more or less vapour?

Do We Want More or Less Vapour?

  • more vapour

  • less vapour

  • keep current level

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2008
I would like to think that if the vapor went away - that I would not go back to cigs, but who am I kidding, I would start again. :(

Even if I were to e-smoke only zero nicotine, I know if the vapor is no longer there, my chances of starting cigs again would still be high. :(

you cant say this mate your 7 months in it would be suicide !


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
so perhaps we should have several different products..

hand to mouth placebo lots of visible smoke but no nicotine.. for those who need it.. i can see the need for all the smoking like factors for quitters..

discrete high nicotine devices for nicotine addicts with some smoking similarities but less red flags....

if these things get banned it will be the nicotine addicts that lose out.. i dont even see none nicotine use as even in the same league..

as for the rest bob... snus is illegal where i live its already f-cking banned.. inhalers at big pharm prices are way toooo expensive and come in the UK anyway at low nicotine levels so do patches..

bob not all the world lives in america.. the products u use are not available for me.. whats is available comes in the low nicotine placebo help a person to stop but not addictive category.. in short its of no f-cking use to me..

my only hope off the tobacco habit is the nicotine delivering e cig.. if i lose that its back on the roll ups.. simple..

the bottom line here is that i am really trying to keep my new found hope low key.. i dont suppose i will succeed but it why i feel as i do..



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Snus are not illegal to order online and have delivered, which is exactly what we do in most of America. They are illegal to sell from a brick-and-mortar store in all of EU but Sweden. And you don't have to remind me that not "all the world" lives in America. Attitude showing again. Cheer up! Be nice! You can be so .. curt.

And, yes, we should and certainly will eventually have different products for different needs.

ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
In public however we recommend users to be discreet when exhaling.

I don't think we appreciate being told how to use our E-cigarettes. Do they know something we don't or are we soon to find out. I know we have passive smoking but passive vapouring . The next thing will be you will not be able to completely boil your Electric kettle.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Ned, please read the threads in Law and the E-Cigarette and you'll understand the hurdles facing e-smoking. And if a manufacturer of the device, the top manufacturer in the world, can't help you properly use an e-cigarette, who can? He's trying to help you (all of us) avoid the trouble you'll face in a heartbeat if you think e-smoking is accepted in all "no smoking" areas today. Please read deeply about the legal challenges that lie ahead.

Not trying to be hostile with this suggestion, but it is naive to think e-smoking is some "right" that everyone has.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
he is also trying to a void a simple which device produces the most visible smoke being used as the yardstick for the best device bob..

if a company does try and genuinely produce a "discrete" e smoking device they are gonna lose out to those who dont give a rats .... about discretion.. if the only way folks judge quality is my how much visible (none discrete) smoke the device produces..

his point wasnt lost on me even if u missed it bob.. if u wanna sell these things to businessmen to use at meetings and when flying on airplanes and the likes the last thing u want is attention grabbing huge clouds of visible e smoke..

as i keep trying to point out its horses for courses.. some people do not want lots of visible e smoke and for obvious reasons..

neither do i as long as i get the nicotine i need in the way i need.. tobaccos filled tea bags stuffed under my lip and or suppositories up my .... i dont want.. if i did i would have been using em years ago..

i simply want an e smoking device that works reliably and delivers the amount of nicotine i need..

the less it looks like a tobacco product the happier i will be..and the less attention it grabs while i am useing it the happier i will be..

i do not need a smoking placebo i need something that works for real.. i need something completely different than u need and any other person who dosnt depend on the device feeding them adequate doses of the drug they are addicted to..

as for those who have kicked the nicotine addiction and still need a smoking placebo.. good luck to them they have done something i cant.. but i am sure if i was them.. having done the hard bit i recon kicking the placebo bit should be an easy thing to do..

as for u bob.. i recon u are a lost cause.. anyone that needs four different nicotine delivery systems to keep happy is a weird one.. best of luck with your nicotine problem.. it seems a harder one to solve than mine..



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
Couldn't resist, could you?

It's your nature, I recon.

Who's weird again?

by weird i mean not fitting the norm.. very unusual.. it aint an insult.. we are both weird probably.. course i couldnt resist.. u should know me by now.. take it as complement i consider u worth debating with.. u might be a weird dude but u are an interesting weird dude..

hope we can keep debating..



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
Well T-Bob....I'm a proud charter member of your "weird" club with 1 Njoy, 2 Mel's, 2 Jane mini's and 1 Kissbox Classic. There are days I just flippin' use 'em all. What the hell, huh? :D

and karen just useing several of the same type devices dont qualify u for the weird club.. lots of us do that..



Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2008
u need the tobbaco filled teabag under yer lip.. snus its called .. some other hardline delivery stuff stonewall or something.. i aint quite sure what that is.. plus the several e cig devices.. and a real tobacco pipe to puff on as well i think.. u also need to think u do all this cos u like variety.. and fully support e smoking even thow it dosnt kinda work that well for u..

have i missed anything bob.. ???

thats weird karen.. can u manage it.. ???



Senior Member
Jul 11, 2008
ok, I prefer to hijack this than open a new thread, it's already too confusing here :)

Does anyone know a 'real' e-cig that can give this kind of vapor:

I know what parts he used but I was wondering if an 'un-tuned' e-cig can do this.

I'm asking this cause I am a bit worried about my e-cig experience - I have a cigarillo with e-cig carts - both I understand give a lot of vapor - but this 'a lot' is not enough for me, I can't see myself replacing cigarettes for the vapor I get now. The taste is ok, dripping is annoying but I can live with it, still I want thick vapor. Where can I find it?
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