New Calculator to try

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ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
I'm desperately looking for an easy calculator for 50/50 pre-mixed base, with separate pg based nicotine and flavourings.

I started reading from page 1, and could see the calculator had been updated.
Where's best to start looking please?

I only have a smartphone, so I'm not sure if I can download stuff, though I do have Microsoft Excel on it.

Thanks ever so much!
You can find the download at Juice Calculator however it won't run on a smartphone. It requires Windows to run.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
That's what I did, doesn't work like I said above
I don't know how you are doing the copy because the results of what you were showing in your post are not in the format that I get when clicking on the wrench and selecting "Copy simple text". The results that you should get are:


X% Ingredient1
X% Ingredient2

Where X is the percentage of the ingredient being used in the recipe.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
Is there a way to compare 2 recipes without starting a second instance of the program i.e. if I had a SB Custard V1 and a SB Custard V2 recipe I would like to have them both open to compare the ingredients (and amounts) to see there differences without having to bounce back and forth opening one then the other in the same currently opened program.
There is currently not a way to show two recipes (short of launching a second instance) but let me give this some thought.


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Apr 26, 2014
Lombard, IL
I don't know how you are doing the copy because the results of what you were showing in your post are not in the format that I get when clicking on the wrench and selecting "Copy simple text". The results that you should get are:


X% Ingredient1
X% Ingredient2

Where X is the percentage of the ingredient being used in the recipe.

Yeah, i wasnt getting anything near that when I copied simple text.
But after some digging, i guess a combination of having Flash disabled mostly (apparently the wrench options are fully enabled with flash) and adblocker, things werent behaving correctly.
Disabled adblocker and enabled flash for the site, and it copies correctly now.


Full Member
Feb 19, 2011
Misery (Missouri)
I just attempted to use the Recipe History function and the return display is show multiple entries for the same recipe (and date), may be a slight bug:



Full Member
Apr 29, 2016
Is there a way to compare 2 recipes without starting a second instance of the program i.e. if I had a SB Custard V1 and a SB Custard V2 recipe I would like to have them both open to compare the ingredients (and amounts) to see there differences without having to bounce back and forth opening one then the other in the same currently opened program.
As a tip, using the same names with versioning behind it (e.g. Recipe v1, Recipe v2, Recipe v3) would put them one below the other in the list.

Thus you can use the arrow keys to change the recipe rather than the mouse cursor, which works perfectly for me.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
I just attempted to use the Recipe History function and the return display is show multiple entries for the same recipe (and date), may be a slight bug:

View attachment 555117
You found a bug. I am in the process of preparing a new version which should be available within the next few minutes.


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ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
Version is available. The changes include:

1. When searching for recipes (Edit->Search for recipes) added a checkbox to find recipes that contain one or more of the selected ingredients. If a recipe contains an ingredient not included in the ingredients being search for the recipe will not be displayed.

2. Renaming a recipe or ingredient with the same name using different case (lower or upper) was not being allowed and being detected as a duplicate recipe name. Fixed.

3. There was a bug related to “Last made” recipe history entries. The bug was triggering erroneous “last made” entries to be created and triggering duplicate “last made” entries. The bug has been resolved and all duplicate entries will automatically be removed however; You may have recipes that have a “last made” with a date that is invalid (not made on that date). Unfortunately there is not a way for the program to know if the entry is valid or not and those erroneous entries cannot be removed.
Hi there Hot Rod,

I need some help.I installed the latest version but since then every time I try to create a new recipe it give me a handling exception error. Would you be so kind as to get in touch and see if you would be able to help me as I do not wish to lose all the data and inventory and recipes. For now I have uninstalled the Calculator and have just copied a backup of my previous version to my pc which allows me to work unrestricted.

Thank you, appreciated.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
Hi there Hot Rod,

I need some help.I installed the latest version but since then every time I try to create a new recipe it give me a handling exception error. Would you be so kind as to get in touch and see if you would be able to help me as I do not wish to lose all the data and inventory and recipes. For now I have uninstalled the Calculator and have just copied a backup of my previous version to my pc which allows me to work unrestricted.

Thank you, appreciated.
The problem was found and fixed. V7.0.0.8 fixes the issue that you were seeing. It is available for download.
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Senior Member
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Oct 15, 2014
Cold north, NORWAY
While I'm at it, could I request a small change?

In Ingredients you can "Deactivate (Hide)" flavors. And I find this useful to keep track of old flavors I disliked/had problems with, as i can save the notes. But they also pop up in "View -> Current Inventory". Could they be hidden there also?

I might have to send a donation soon, because this tool is becoming really really handy and I use it ALOT. So thank you for all the work you've done.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2011
Round Rock, Texas
While I'm at it, could I request a small change?

In Ingredients you can "Deactivate (Hide)" flavors. And I find this useful to keep track of old flavors I disliked/had problems with, as i can save the notes. But they also pop up in "View -> Current Inventory". Could they be hidden there also?

I might have to send a donation soon, because this tool is becoming really really handy and I use it ALOT. So thank you for all the work you've done.

Good idea, I will look into adding it
Here is what is going on; When the % character is provided it indicates that the value entered should be divided by 100 to convert it to a percentage. For instance 7% is determined to be 0.07. if you enter a value of 0.07 it will be converted to 7% and no error will occur. If you enter a value of 7 the value is determined to be 700% which is an invalid value.
I could change this and assume that there is always an implied % entered. Thoughts/recommendations?

Sorry, I just caught this reply. :-(

I am willing to do the .07[tab] thing; didn't know that would work.

Also, do you accept bitcoin donations or only paypal?


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Apr 26, 2014
Lombard, IL
The more I use the program, the more I like its features.
But I had a few more questions

-Is there a way to merge 2 ingredients (ie TFA Bavarian Cream + TPA Bavarian Cream= xxx Bavarian cream, where user picks company abbreviation)?
-Or, mass recipe ingredient force change (cap marshmallow, FA marshmallow, TFA marshmallow= user indicated marshmallow) across all recipes ?
-anyway to implement Recognizable companies and abbreviations from ingredients and recipe imports (Recipe calls for Cap Cinnamon Danish Swirl, Inventory calls it Capella Cinnamon Danish swirl, recipe adjusted accordingly to use)


Ultra Member
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Sep 26, 2013
MetroWest Boston, MA, USA
I use Edit->Find and Replace Ingredients to merge 2 ingredients into 1 and update the recipes that use it. Make sure you click the box to delete the Find Ingredient.

I did quite a bit of this type of cleanup when I imported a bunch of recipes from another program. Once it's done, life is good!
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