Soaking and straining tobacco to remove nicotine, then smoking/eating that for WTA

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ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
Lithium. Yes... possibly.

I just smoked another camel and I didn't feel that intoxication... weird... ?

But I've been smoking all day, the soaked tobacco.


I tried the ecig, with the "HIGH" catridge (i ordered the totally wicked ecig)... and it didn't seem to do much? at all... ?

I don't know if I'm in withdrawal, or I don't know much of anything anymore. I suppose just more experimentation with everything I have will figure it out honestly.

One idea that is occuring to me, is that... it is possible with the soaked tobacco I'm not really getting everything I want... bummer.

Its hard to say how I'm feeling is due to any life circumstances, or lack of certain alkaloids, etc...

But for some reason I kinda just want to smoke regular cigs for right now. And for experimentation purposes, that might help me see what I'm after.

I definitely don't feel any feeling of "weakness" from the ecig at all... at least from the half of a day that I experimented with it. So that might kinda throw my theory out the window that nicotine is a poison which hits you and thats why you feel relaxed... The soaked tobacco I'm not sure anymore exactly what its doing or if its doing really anything... I'm just not sure. I was around a lot of people tonight. Mainly smoking the soaked tobacco... then later I took a train back to my car, and during the long walk back to my car kept puffing on my high strength ecig cartridge... and I didn't really feel much from it.

I really should get that passionflower and try vaping it... because I'm not sure if there really is an easy way to somehow get rid of the nicotine from the tobacco, while leaving all the other alkaloids that I want. Still, I have no idea what I'm even looking for anymore it seems...

Maybe I'm looking for the B vitamins that tobacco has a lot of... and when I soaked it or cooked it, those things were taken out.

I didn't really seem to feel any brightening effects after I kept smoking the soaked tobacco...but my sister said when she smoked it (first thing she smoked in the morning, she's not really a heavy smoker at all though)...she said she felt like her motor neurons were turning in the center of her brain. Maybe after i kept smoking it I just got used to that... so I didn't notice a change.

I also wonder the more you smoke, the less ability you have to absorb what your smoking in the first place...because your lungs get all coated in tar... maybe thats why some people have to smoke constantly, because their lungs don't clean themselves up and they get up to 2-3 packs a day just to get their nicotine fix. Maybe it doesn't have much to do with nicotine tolerance perse...

That would explain how some people are able to slowly go down on their nicotine e-juice dosages over time as they continue vaping. I don't know.

I wish I had more to say, but for now like I said, I'm going to just smoke regular cigarettes. I don't feel depressed perse right now, but in some ways I'm starting to feel that blah feeling again... after a couple days of not really smoking regular tobacco. Last night however I almost felt on top of the world... Maybe placebo stuff thinking I had found the holy grail. I really felt almost manic... I also slept really well last night and had vivid dreams... I think because I hadn't gotten much nicotine in awhile.

2 mornings ago I had 10 camel crushes within 1.5 hours... so maybe if i was getting MAOI's from that... they lasted me a good day or almost 2 days... and smoking the soaked and cooked tobacco was just doing the hand-to-mouth smoking ritual for me...

And then when the MAOI's wore off, now I'm starting to feel sorta blahish again... its hard to say really.

Maybe I should just get that CigRx stuff and try that out. That would be interesting to really try. I guess I could do the snus again too... try that out. Later...
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
Well after I made that post I had 1.5 camels and just wasn't interested in smoking ANYTHING anymore... chilled out a bit doing some stuff... then came back out to the smoking patio and have just been drinking coke zero and puffing on my vape and going on this forum...

so... who knows whats up. the rest of the night (i usually stay up till 7 AM) and tomorrow should be interesting. it would be really nice to go even a few days without smoking anything (just vaping) because I want to see if I have more energy and the other effects not SMOKING has on you... i wonder about that. but if i want a camel i will HAVE one. :)

Its weird because right now, after I've been vaping consistently on this ecig for the last 30 minutes, I don't even feel much of a nicotine high. And this is the HIGH cartridge.. forgot how many milligrams. I don't feel I have an elevated heart rate. I don't feel ....ty from it... I don't feel like I need to take a crap. (that came when i smoked the 1.5 camels)...

But for some reason its okay FOR NOW. tomorrow might be a different story...and the weeks to come will be interesting. But it is weird, I don't really feel much of anything from this ecig. MAYBE..maybe...some TINY bit of mental concentration? But really if anything is placebo, THAT would be placebo...

EDIT: crap...something occurred to me. I MAY HAVE PUT BACK IN THE ZERO MG CART before I headed out for the evening... but even so, the first time I tried the HIGH cart I'm not sure it did anything. I guess I'll simply have to bust open a new cart to test tonight.

EDIT AGAIN: well, i put the other cart I had previously opened and exchanged it for the one I had in the ecig. I only opened a 0 nic cart and a HIGH nic cart...

so after puffing on this cart for a few puffs, i had to take a bowel movement. now, about 20 minutes later, i seem to notice some elevation of my heart rate (if i try to feel it)... but other than that, I can't really feel any buzz or anything else at all. Also all the coke zero could have caused the heart rate increase.

I think its possible since i live in the desert and its 115 degrees out here, maybe the nicotine lost its strength in the shipping process...maybe it was old carts... maybe they were mislabled....maybe i'm crazy... maybe this psych ward I'm writing this from is actually my real home.... wait... did i just write that :)


i'll have to open another cart. but oh well, i don't feel like doing anything else but vaping right now. Later...
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
Hey nicnac :)

I had 1.5 cigs in the first part of the night. I don't know what cart it was. I don't think it even mattered.

I had even better dreams last night I think from my overall less consumption of analogs.

I'm smoking analogs right now, probably till they run out. I do like vaping tho. From the analogs this morning I'm not feeling much "intoxication" or let down. I think there is a lot to say about simply your attitudes towards analogs. Yesterday morning maybe I felt a let down because I felt kinda bad I was smoking an analog, so while smoking I felt a psychological let down. But because I basically only vaped last night I feel better about smoking analogs right now so the effect I'm getting from them is good. Plus now I -do- have to have a bowel movement. Hehe.

It does seem that when you stop smoking for awhile your oxygen levels go up and you get a "high" just from that. Nice but yeah...
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
I also think it's really easy to get addicted to lower energy levels from smoking. I know personally it seems without smoking I tend to get Really high energy levels on a physical/mental even spiritual level, but then I find my environment and just situation in life doesn't really always fit my high energy levels, so its so easy to just smoke so you feel more smoked-out and it doesn't matter anymore.

That's why I probably started exercising alot everyday but since I started smoking more(either regular cigs or the denicotinized tobacco) I don't feel the same desire. To me it's almost "easier" to have less energy in our sedentary boxed in culture. But that is no excuse to exercise more, which I'll probably start doing all the time once I run out of these analogs and try to just vape. Just some thoughts. I've probably already smoked 5 analogs this morning in 45 minutes. I don't know if I'm just trying to up my wta/maoi or just trying to reduce my energy. Either way I have 1 more in this pack and then I have an unopened pack of pall malls I'll probably start on.

I really do feel like people have to simply adjust to simply having more energy because in my quitting smoking journey it was only after I started exercising that I was starting to feel more calm again. But I don't know how to explain the bad depression. That is something I will find out. Don't know if that's maoi related. Just too complicated to figure out right now.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 5, 2010
In other words, maybe the Mao effect is simply the result of smoking and the resulting dulling of the overall physical/mental/spiritual energy levels and the resulting better ability to deal with life because you don't always feel so antsy from having so much energy. So them your just overall more calm or smoke-intoxicated to deal with people, events, stuck in traffic , life etc. I think when you have higher energy levels and you don't use the energy it can start getting stuck and you feel like ..... The energy turns against you.

When I wasn't smoking as much recently I started getting these feelings my energy was too much. I wanted to leave my city. Travel, explore , run around in nature areas, use my energy. But I simply cannot do that, and when I smoke its like I return to a lesser version of myself and suddenly I'm okay with living a lesser life. U know? I think that could have been some of my depression issues. Simply a reality that my life sucked. It wasn't what I wanted it to be. And I couldn't change it. Easier to return to my smoke cloud. So is that really maoi's? Maybe.

Living a life without intoxication is harder than some people realize, and harder for some of us than others. Especially if you are used to intoxication and built a lifestyle around that. But I think pretty much everyone intoxicated themselves. Food is a big one. Mine is mainly smoke. If maoi's are not really what I'm after and it's mainly just smoke, then I'm not sure what I need to do. I guess go back to the exercising hard everyday but not sure if that will solve my problems. I'm not sure just vaping is going to work for me but I guess its worth a shot.
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