surge tank -- bottom feeder

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Jan 29, 2012
North Carolina
I have a surge tank from 310 vapers (dot com).

Bare with me -- I'm a southern software engineer.

I'm amazed that this guy doesn't have more review. The guy from the site seems to have stopped looking at what he can get to help sate his tastes, and begun developing what would give him what he wants. His basic concept is a bottom feeder to slap on top of your PV (in my case a ProVari, and temporarily, thanks to my brother, a Silver Bullet). The product of his love labor is the Surge tank. It is basically a currency transfer case with a liquid feed tube.

The Surge Tank is basically a tube which feeds into a 6 ml bottle which sits inside a metal casing which sits inside a metal casing. One side of the casing feeds the negative, while the other feeds the positive. On top sits a 510 connection with a tube running up the center. This allows you to run your favorite liquid damn-near continuously to your favored atty, with no polyfill taste, and all-day capacity. On the bottom, to fit all PV's, he has a casing with an alan screw (for which he provides the wrench) acting as the positive pole. This allows those with multiple PV's to fit the tank perfectly.

Before the simplified view, I'd like to mention that before I bought mine, I spoke with Mr. 310, and he said there is a 3ml version in early development (which my brother is waiting on), so even if the current version doesn't suit you, keep an eye on it.

Con not relating to the tank: learning to vape with a bottom feeder, and working the excess juice into the atty, and not spilling excess in your car is something I don't think can be easily taught or tutored. Dive in, you'll figure it out pretty quick.

Pro's: Bottom feeder on any PV you like. VERY well built. Bottom feeder on any PV. Bottle in package. I can't understate this -- Bottom feeder on any PV. You can make a tank with any atty you like on any pv you like!!! Amazing! There is a built-in drip shield, which collects any juice which is over-fed or over-dripped, and then fed into the atty, so waste is minimized to an extreme!

Con's: This device is too well built. As mentioned above, this device is well built, but this also hinders it in the size category. Additionally, the windows to the bottle are too small (for my big fingers), making feeding more of a pain than it ought to be. The bottle's center point appears to be its low point. I think the window should extend farther downward.

Conclusion: This device definitely has a v1.2 feel to it. Mr. 310 has obviously lost a bit of sleep over this thing, but has not worked out all the kinks. All in all, I use this thing as a daily vaping essential, as I think many would/should, but there are places where this device could see upgrade.
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