Therion | Series vs Parallel

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Completely Average

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2014
Suburbs of Dallas
ok.. that wasn't clear the way you stated .. "All factors being equal, a Series mod is more efficient than a parallel mod, every single time, there are no exceptions. PERIOD."

Which could lead to confusion for someone reading it out of context.

We're 100% in agreement then!

In what context were you reading a thread about the Therion DNA75 compared to the Therion DNA133 in a Ecig dedicated forum that left you confused about this conversation being about vaping mods?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 10, 2016
Ottawa area, Canada
In what context were you reading a thread about the Therion DNA75 compared to the Therion DNA133 in a Ecig dedicated forum that left you confused about this conversation being about vaping mods?

It was in reference to your statement "All factors being equal, a Series mod is more efficient than a parallel mod, every single time, there are no exceptions. PERIOD."

... but it was not clear that your statement was in reference to "where the voltage is routinely either Bucked (reduced) or Boosted" that wasn't stated in the previous comment you did, thus my question for clarification.

I though that was already established and cleared up? This is just repeating the same.


New Member
Jul 24, 2017
Parallel doubles the mah while Series doubles the voltage.

For parallel, Using 2x3000mah batt will give you 6000mah with equal discharge on use, better for lower watts vaping.

For series, giving double voltage will give you more power on wattage which means better for 50watts and up.

In terms of battery life, that depends on your vaping style. Just base it on the above.

By the way, used both Therion 75 and 166. 75w work well on 15-30w vaping, but won't last long when vaping around 50-60w, you'll feel battery snug too. 166w gives better batt life with high watts vaping.
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