my parts drawer

my parts drawer

my ecig drawer & box

my ecig drawer & box

my juice drawer

my juice drawer


4/2015 e-cigs I'm using now

Clearomizers: H3 (bottom coil w/clear tank and knurled base, don't leak, 2ml capacity
Batteries: 900 & 1000 Ego Twists; last me majority of a day, 2-3 hrs to recharge, (beware of clones!), lasting me a year and counting...
Juice: all DIY, can change nicotine levels, mix in more flavor when needed, try different combos at a minimal expense.
Storage Box: made a new one to hold my 'tanks' and batteries, stored in a drawer.
Backup parts: stored in empty Altoid boxes, labeled, in another drawer.
Just sharing my inexpensive way of organizing my e-cig stuff... tho I often dream of those awesome wood displays! In our RV it needs to be small size and compact! te he
BUT, tis definitely time to pass on some things to others who might be in a fix and need something I have just laying around - (see my 're-home' album).
I'd be lost without my P-Touch Label maker, that's for sure! It just lasts and lasts....

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