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  • Dear ctourtelot. I'd like to ask you a question.
    I vape 3ml of juice daily, I would like to know if those VISION eGo Stardust will last me a week.

    When I vape I take a 8 seconds drag to fill up my mouth end then I inhale to feel a good throat hit. that's why I don't miss tobacco cigarettes. when you take long drags you force the coil. that's why I ask if they will last me a week.

    Excuse my English, but is my second language.
    I am trying to meet some folks that I "now" have something in common with. I joined the Va Vapors group and saw you saw me! lol...but when I went to your profile and saw the kitty with the big ole pv I just had to say hello...and that it also said you hadn't had a visitor message since last year...
    I am a dog person, but I can't help but grin when I see the pic of that cat! roflmao!
    So I just wanted to say HI, and introduce my self...
    How do you get a signature that shows how long you have been vaping?
    You stated: My 4081 is a different matter because I don't have to buy replacement atty's for it. They came with a lifetime warranty so when they burn out, I just go pick up a new one.

    What 4081 did you buy that you can do that with? (just go pick up a new one I mean?)

    Was it an NJOY NPRO?

    I have an Njoy Npro (that I LOVE!) that I bought at my local PILOT and was just wondering if this is what you have?...
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