Search results

  1. F

    Creamy base

    Hi, everyone. As the title suggests I want to know how to make a creamy base to all my DIY, be it tobacco or sweet flavors. I have tried to DIY before with moderate success in doing one or two flavors in one juice. But I vaped some premium juices and NET's and all the ones that I liked have this...
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    TOBH question

    Hi, all. I just got my TOBH v2 a couple of days ago. It is my first dripper. I already built it with no problem whatsoever. The question which my sounds stupid. Everyone said about this dripper that it had a huge well, which is true, and it could hold up to 3 ml. So I thought I would get the...
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    Kayfun and SS mesh???????????

    Hi, I saw this youtube video (in polish) for a guy who is doing SS mesh wick for his kayfun. I didn't have to understand the language as what he was doing was obvious. I tried to search more about this and I only find like two videos on this, but none of them was clear enough on its cons and...
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    How long will the juice stay good?

    Hello everyone. I don't live in the States and I have trouble getting e-liq orders. But a friend of mine lives in the US and he is coming on a vacation and I was thinking of ordering a large quantity of e-juice with him. The question is, if I order juices to last for a long time, especially...
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    How long will the juice stay good?

    Hello, everyone. I haven't posted here for quit sometime. I am a serious fan of all HHV juices. The downside is I live in Egypt and sometimes international orders pass and other times, they don't. So to cut the story short. I have a friend in the states and he is coming to Egypt soon. So I am...
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    Can I use SS mesh and micro coil on my AgaT instead of micro and cotton?

    The title says it all. I have bad luck so far with using SS mesh on my AGA-T2 so I did the easy thing and used micro coil with cotton. Good vape and all but I got this genny to use the SS mesh in the first place. So to minimize the hot spots can I use micro and SS mesh? P.S I don't get less...
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    Strange question about AGA-T2 (dripping!!!!)

    Hi everyone. I have this strange idea and I wanna ask if it might work. I don't own a dripper at the moment (in the mail right now). I use aga-t single cotton wick around 1.6 ohm on my vamo v5. I made some DIY juice and I wanna taste now. so if I empty the tank to the last drop and then insert a...
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    What am I doing wrong on my AGA-T2 to get a burned taste?

    Hi all. Please I need help. I got my first AGA-T few days ago and yesterday I built my fist coil/SS Mesh ever. I oxidized the mesh and primed it and the coil. I got a reading of 2.0 ohm. So far so good. I put it on my Vamo v5 and started to vape. I found it to be a little to soft with minimal...
  9. F

    Noob (Mathematically challenged) needs help determining resistance

    I need help please. I have AGA-T and Vamo v5 Kanthal A-1 28 and 30 gauge. I know I can't get any lower than 1.3 ohm on my vamo. I have watched tons of videos, read a lot but there one thing I can't seem tp grasp. Can I make a micro coil to get a resistance 1.3 or higher with the 28 or the 30...
  10. F

    Do I have to change the mesh/coil in AGA-T2 with each flavor? (noob)

    Hi,all. I know this may sound stupid but this is my first ever build. I just got my first AGA-T2, Kanthal, SS mesh and I have a Vamo v5. I built my coil and everything. My question is, I have only one tank right now. So do I have to change the mesh or the coil whenever I change the e-liq flavor...
  11. F

    المرة دي بقى النكهات والجمارك

    السلام عليكم جميعا طبعا كلنا في مصر فاهمين خلاص هنا موضوع الجمارك بالنسبة للسوائل نفسها أو قطع الغيار وطرق التحايل عليها أو حجبها، بس أنا عاوز أعرف بالنسبة لي لو اشترت نكهات من برة، هل بيبقى مكتوب عليها أي مرجع لأنها نكهات سوائل السجارة الإليكتروني، هل هلاقيهم بيستدعوني في رمسيس في قسم العينات...
  12. F

    أنواع تانكات مختلفة

    ما هي التانكات المختلة وما هي أفضلها
  13. F

    Is vanilla flavor too powering?

    Hi all, another nob question I made a 10ml of vanilla flavor. Just vanilla and the nic base and dilutant. I liked after let it steeping for 4 days, then I forgot all about it and returned to it after two weeks (I have other juices in my rotation). So, I found that its color is very dark and it...
  14. F

    Concentrating light flavors. Is it possible?

    Hi all, I have a question: I brought some flavors locally (water based) and it is little bit light for my taste. Can I do anything to concentrate it? Like a water bath? Evaporating? Adding anything? Any thoughts?
  15. F

    Another question please: Extracting with vodka vs PG/Vg

    Another nob question. Most of vendors says that tobacco extraction has alcohol. So is it better to use vodka vs Pg/Vg? And if so, should I use the water bath/slow cocking or the cold steeping one?
  16. F

    Innokin iTaste MVP battery question

    Hi all, I read a lot of positive reviews on Innokin iTaste MVP. So I am thinking of getting one. The only question I have as the battery is built-in in the device. How it would be replaced if something happens to it? Any one owns it and know? Thanks
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    Stupid question, I don't have Graham Cracker flav now, can I make one?

    Hi all, So this is my question: I don't have a Graham Cracker flavor now, and I have a recipe requires it, so can I use any other alternative flavor that is close to it. Or in other words, can I combine 2 or 3 other flavors to get the Graham Cracker? I know that this may sound stupid, but no...
  18. F

    سؤال لمن لديه خبرة في المودز

    السلام عليكم جميعا أنا بدور على المعلومة اللي هسألكم عنها بقالي فترة ووصلت لإجابات مختلفة، بالنسبة للميكانيكال مودز وخاصة زي ماكس تليسكوب أو ناتشرال، هل كل أنواع المكيانيكال مودز فيها تغير فولط وواط ولا تغير فولط بس ولاأيه الموضوع بالضبط، يعني مثلا أيه الفرق ما بين التليسكوب سموك تيك وبين الفامو؟
  19. F

    نكهات محلية حد جربها قبل كده؟

    السلام عليكم جميعا في محل اسمه درب البرابرة غير حي درب البرابرة معرفش إن كنتم تعرفوه ولا لأ هو محل كبير ليه فروع في مصر الجديدة والمعادي والرحاب ومدينة نصر والدقي بيبيع نكهات طعام ماركة فوستر كلاركس وديلسيو، حد جربها قبل كده أو يعرف عنها حاجة؟ هحاول أحط صور ليها لاقيتها على النت
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    بديل محلي للإيثيل مالتول وسؤال عن استخدام

    السلام عليكم جميعا طبعا بما إن أحنا في مصر والعذاب بتاع الاستيراد، حد عنده فكرة عن بديل محلي للإيثيل مالتول أو نكهة غزل البنات؟ كما أنا قريت هنا في الفورم أن البعض بيستخدم نقط من الخل (سواء الخل العادي أو خل التفاح) في صنع المحلول عشان يبرز النكهة وخصوصا في نكهات التوباكو، خل؟ فعلا؟ حد جرب أو...