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  1. C

    Freak Show E Liquid safe? (Distributed by Twin Cities Distribution)

    Hey guys have you heard about the liquid above? A friend offered me a refill with this liquid but I've never heard of the brand so I wanted to make sure that it's no sketchy stuff. Kind regards
  2. C

    Health concerns about vaping

    Hi I smoked Hookah for a long time, gave vaping a shot and liked it. I'm aware that doctors might be the right source for any medical advice. However, I often perceive it that doctors themselves don't know what's going on with current topics and often times overgeneralize. I know that THC...
  3. C

    Health concerns about vaping

    Hey Guys, I really hope this question isn't posted all the time but I am just kinda concerned because of the current vaping discussion. So I started vaping 2 months ago. Generally I hit my Smok Trinity Alpha three to four times a day and if I do so I just go for the buzz. Two deep inhales...