Search results

  1. zuTma

    Avs & cartos

    Need some input on carts in AVS(510 connector). Friend of mine just bought GGTS from me and I was planning to hook him up with my AVS that I don't use. He is brand new to vaping and I want to make things easier for him as much as I can :) So that's where carts come in... I've never used them...
  2. zuTma

    rev3rse ufs

    I didn't discovered hot water but hey it works:vapor: [/IMG]
  3. zuTma

    AVS trouble

    Hi AVS is month or two old but been using it for maybe 7-10 days because my attys (510) die inside it. Last one was HV and running i on 6V for hardly 2 days and died. I must doing something wrong but can't figure what. I didn't overtight the atty and it didn't get dry. The worst thing is that...
  4. zuTma


    Ima li gdje u HR za kupiti Noalox ili Penetrox ili neki sličan antiox proizvod sa česticama cinka ili možda i srebra? Čito na forumu da radi čuda na spojevima (navojima). Pa bi htio isprobat na GG-u Tnx.
  5. zuTma

    Mi hrvati

    "Croatia" piše u naslovu ovog foruma ali se nadam da bi ga u duhu dobrosusjedskih odnosa mogli slobodno smatrati ajmo reći Balkanskim forumom :laugh:. Zato pozivam sve koji razumiju hrvatski,srpski, bosanski ili ine jezike da mi se pridruže i pomognu da ovaj naš forum bude zvijezda...
  6. zuTma


    Ovaj forum je napravljen kako bi svi ljudi koji pričaju Hrvatski mogli raspravljati i postavljati upite o električnim cigaretama. Možete se bez ustručavanja registrirati na forum te postavljati svoje upite. Biti će nam drago ako ćemo vam moći pomoći ili ako ćemo samo razgovarati o trenutnoj...
  7. zuTma

    Problem with ggts button

    hi vapers! i just got my new ggts yesterday (or i just think its new, it got some scratch on it, and marks on the button) number 528. Thats really a wonderful device and probably the best one out there couse im been vaping for over a year and been seen a lot of them. Problem is when i want tu...