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  1. Kmaiguyhi

    My DealExtreme E-Pack's auto cleaning cycle

    Just a few minutes ago my four week old deal extreme e-pack just did its auto cleaning cycle which I disconnected... and yea its not that bad for its price... the paper pack broke apart, I took out the charger... now it fits in my pocket... heres some pics... and also, I only drip in it... the...
  2. Kmaiguyhi

    Deal Extreme's E-pack... Bang for your buck in a way...

    About a month ago I ordered the e-pack from deal extreme... It came with one battery, one atomizer and some nasty cartridges that taste like copenhagen and vomit.... but I just took a paperclip and poped out the inner cartridge now I only use it for dripping.... the the idea is great... having...
  3. Kmaiguyhi

    Boost / Turbosmog E-liquid

    I was wondering if Jantys Future "Boost" liquid will make tons of vapor like the Turbosmog liquid from china... I love the turbosmog liquid... but i despise the shipping from china.... I do wonder if it will do the same... p.s. the turbosmog just let out plumes of vapor like a old time choo...
  4. Kmaiguyhi

    The supermini that smokes like a pipe

    I have been experimenting with many types of E-smoking devices. out of all of them there is one that completely stood out. It is the 8084 84mm by 8mm diam. e-cigarette... I couldnt believe it... the size is great...(size of the other products were my turn off) I compared it to my friends ciggie...