33 days off the butts. questioning PG

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Ultra Member
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Apr 19, 2011
As it has been a great relief to finally give up the habit after 26 years I really can't complain too much about PG but...

My routine is that I never smoked during the day and always at night while having a few cocktails. well, maybe more than a few :) I have found with the 100% PG from V4L that I get a lot of phlem, a lot of throat scratchiness and lung dryness and the most concerning thing is my teeth sensitivity after a night of vaping. Has anyone else experienced the tooth sensitivity that I'm speaking of?

I ordered some reduced PG from juicy vapors and I believe that Halo uses a mixture of some sort so we'll have to see when these arrive.



Gordon Grape

Full Member
May 14, 2011
The one thing I learned searching into the PG issue is it dehydrates you. I asked a friend who has asthma about it, as PG is in those inhalers. He said, "Oh yeah, I drink a lot of water."

Booze and vaping probably dries the heck of you. Dehydration will do weird things to your nerve cells. I learned that from my days wrestling, cutting weight. I'd dry myself out so much I'd get tingling in my extremities. I was told by a doctor that it was from drying myself out to make weight.

Try upping your water intake and see if that helps.


Ultra Member
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Mar 24, 2011
Tooth sensitivity.... I can relate. My bottom front teeth have always been a little sensitive. Those teeth whitening trays? Forget it on my bottom front teeth. They will hurt for days if that stuff touches them.

Since stopping smoking and seeing my dentist about the increased tooth sensitivity, I was told, by the dentist, that the reason my teeth are more sensitive now, is because I am getting less nicotine in my system, therefore increasing the blood flow to my teeth. My teeth are more "alive". This is a good thing! Although, it hurts more.

My dentist is going to be putting more sealant on my sensitive teeth to try to stop some of the discomfort. We shall see if it helps.

I use either 50/50, 70/30 or all vg.
I only vape PG free fluids after reading of the things like scratchy throat and dry mouth. I started out on this type and really enjoy it....so I don't get the throat hit , but have a LOT of vapor and flavor! No complaints from my experiences yet....only I have found I like this a whole lot more than the ciggies.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Nicotine can cause bleeding gums, sore mouth, etc. PG lets through the most of nicotine's skin irritation and TH. I generally use blends with 30% VG to avoid irritation but now that I have my nicotine down low I prefer 20% VG

Vapor4Life - I started by vaping my somewhat harsh V4L fave juice on a different ecig - manual 510 w/ Boge cartos, for a moister and less irritating hit. And on my Vapor4Life I vape juices I want a harder hit from, like my vanillas from elsewhere.
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