510 5v passthrough flakey, I'm wondering is mine messed up?

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
Manila, RP
I got this 510 5v passthrough about a week ago. One of those without a battery. When I got it, plugging it into my computer or 1A USB plugs, it didn't work. I would just get the flashing/blinking blue light that means "error".

I did a quick skim around here on the subject and saw someone saying to get a 2A plug for it. After searching stores, I finally found one, a 2.1A plug. With that it worked. I tried a few things, a 306, 510 and dual coil smoktech 1.5ohm. It worked, I was getting vapor.

However, I just noticed today, that with a triple coil carto on it, there is no blue light. Normally when its vaping I get a solid blue light when activated. I switched over to a 510 regular and blue light was back.

I've never vaped at 5v, only get to 4.7v with my ego booster, so I don't know what its like. The passthrough produces TH kind of like my ego booster on 4.2-4.4v, which is a sweet spot for many vaporizing devices, but is this how its supposed to vape or is this due to a defective device? If this is how its supposed to vape, is it really delivering 5v?

The hard part is I can't multimeter the PT, it won't fire unless there is an atty attached. I tried to "trick" it by screwing in a 510 to ego adapter but it wasn't fooled. It just gives the blinking blue light in error if I fire it and don't attach an atty.

Anyway, after noticing the lack of blue light on the triple coil, I've been reading around here a bit more in detail and it seems most people are getting their 510 5v PT to work with their computer or even 1A plugs and some people are going nuts over the 5v vape. It is possible, as an ego booster user, I'm not floored because the EB performs better, but still at least 1 person who posted about really liking it also has a VV mod (I think a provari).

So I am wondering 2 things. First has anyone every confirmed this thing outputs 5v? Second, is my PT screwed up? I've only had it about a week and I believe its still covered by warranty. Should I ask for a replacement? It does kind of work, it just seems its acting flakey.



Aussie Pup Wrangler
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Jul 9, 2010
Beautiful Baldwinsville (CNY)
1.6 ohms is too low for a standard passthrough. Even a dedicated 2a power supply is only good down to 2.5 ohms, which is 10 watts, a very solid power (my sweet spot is about 8 watts).

Over-driving a power supply is not recommended. The pt is likely fine, just nothing sources the amps you are trying to get.

Stick to things in the 2.5 - 3.5 ohm zone on the pt, you should get decent results.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
Triple coils. lol. I've been wondering if this would come up. lol.

Sorry vocr. Not laughing at you.. .just the whole TC thing.

FYI - here's one of many ohm's law calculators. Plug in any two known values, and hit [Calculate].

Ohm's Law Calculator

Let's see. TC's. If the TC is 1.5 ohms like you said......16.67 watts and 3.3333 amps. Prolly total overload for the circuitry in there (it trips... thinks it's a short).

EDIT: P.S. I see QBass posted some of this....
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
Manila, RP
Thanks! Yeah I've been playing with the ohms calc on my phone for these things. Didn't think to apply it to this scenario though, after reading markfm and Qbass' posts, it seems obvious I should have. Lol, I've only been using it to figure out what wattage I like to vape all these different heating elements at. Amazing I didn't think to use it for troubleshooting.

That is what I like about ECF. I can post here and get an entirely different way of looking at a technical problem. :)
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