510 question? Please Help.

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Full Member
Sep 23, 2010
Hey I am fairly new to the vaping world and am loving it. Just got a no box 510 kit from cignot. I love it. I have been dripping and it works great for about the first 5 or 6 puffs then I loose the juices original flavor and get a semi burnt taste but still tons of vapor. Is this just normal for a 510... is it because im not vaping at 5v? is it my juice (TW cherry)? Just Curious. Also does vaping a 510 at 5v make the flavors of liquid taste stronger? I definately can taste the flavor at first but it is really just a hint of flavor..HMMM

Cause...VOLTAGE? JUICE? ...eliphino!


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Verified Member
Apr 27, 2010
yeah I did get all the primer stuff out. the flavor is great for about 5 hits then dies out and just tastes unflavored and slightly burnt. I think its this juice though.

This is what is supposed to happen :) As soon as the flavors fades, redrip it(2-3 drops), and repeat. That burnt taste is the atty running dry. If that happens too many times or for too long, that nasty taste will stay in it.


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ECF Veteran
Sep 16, 2010
Washington DC
That's really what is supposed to happen.

I wouldn't use 5 or 6 drops directly on your atty.

I put in about two drops and get anywhere from 6 - 10 good puffs - depending on how long each draw is.

Im still new myself but 5-6 drops might just drown out the atty, make it too wet. I dunno, id use only 2 drops.

As has been said, burnt taste is atty getting dry, need more drops. It is not a no muss process in that you do have to redrip often, but for all the benefits, its worth it. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
Yeah pretty much - sometimes you can get lots of hits before you get the acrid taste (if you drip) but sometimes i find Im topping off with extra drips very often. It varies from juice to juice (flavor not always the vendor as it happens with the same vendor juice too). Rule of thumb for dripping is re-drip as SOON as the flavor drops off and don't worry about how quickly that might be since you last dripped.
FYI I use 2 drops per 're-drip' - more than 3 will flood it.
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