A few questions about e-cigs

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New Member
Jul 7, 2011
My husband and I live in Guam and we recently bought a generic e-cig at a store in the mall. We were going through a pack a day a piece and since we bought these we have maybe bought 4 packs in two weeks. I don't know what brand my e-cig is because the box only says "Electronic Cigarette" on it without a model number but i know that the Cig2o cartridges work with it. My first question is what other brands will work with this? Are they interchangeable with other brands? I want to know this because the store we buy from only carries a very limited assortment of flavors and I want something sweet and fruity. Also i was wondering if i am able to refill these and what i need to do to be able to do that. We didn't research them very much before we took the plunge but so far i'm very happy with it. I have not had an "analog" in about a week, which is a big deal for me as i have been smoking for 8 years. Any answers are welcome and a point in the direction of where i can buy them cheaply (shipping to guam is kind of steep sometimes) Thanks so much!

Hellen A. Handbasket

Vaping Master
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Feb 26, 2009
San Tan Valley, Arizona
Welcome to ECF!

From what I've read on the forum by others who have the Cig2o, it is a KR808. You can buy cartomizers for it at Vapor4Life (a well known and trusted supplier on the forum Vapor4Life-Because it's your life - E-Cigarettes/Smoking Alternatives) as well as several other vendors that are approved and have a forum here on ECF. V4L has a terrific selection of prefilled cartomizers for that model. Send them an email, and tell them about your model to confirm before making a purchase just to double check.

You also can refill the ones you already have with liquid and you can also buy blank cartomizers and any flavor from any vendor you want to try out.

Forum approved suppliers are on this sortable list which has their forum link on the left and also their website link to the right Forum Suppliers - Sortable List

Also, there is a Model Specific Discussion area on ECF for the KR808. It can be found here KR808D-1 You'll find threads on buying and filling blank KR808 cartomizers with bottled e-liquid there as well.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Some people have said Cig2o and Cig2Go are KR808D-1

the key is keeping the carto damp with appropriate eliquid

I buy my KR808D-1 blanks at Vapor4Life.com (their model is the most popular KR808D-1 model) but their shipping is a bit high. Their WOW carts are hotter, their Coolcarts are less hot. I use juices with no more than 20% VG so they flow well as well as a couple of Vapor4Life WOW juices (thin). I also find lighter clearer jucies give better cartomzier life. 70pg/30vg (a popular blend) also works but the carto won't work well as long for me. If I keep a carto damp so I don't singe it and ruin it, I can often get 1 week or more use out of each carto.

Unfortunately you probably have automatic batteries so if you fill/refill your own cartomizers and the cartomizer leaks a bit, you will have a much higher chance of damaging or killing your battery than someone with manual batteries. You can get manual KR808D-1 black and steel batteries at LiteCigUSA.net for $10 apiece, fancier colors at Vapor4Life cost a bit more. If you are going to fill your own cartos or keep your prefilled cartos damp to get days of use out of each then I recommend you get at least one manual battery as a spare. Manuals also give you more control of your hit, are less work since you can oush the button in 1-2 seconds before the start fi your drag so vapor is ready and you can drag as soft as you want, and they won't turn on accidentally from wind or vibration.

For hot KR808D-1 cartos I use a plastic or delrin drip tip as mouthpiece - smaller mouth size, stays cool, easy to remove to add a bit of juice (always also remove the carto from the battery and clean it up after adding liquid). I also get the drip tips at LiteCigUSA.net. Also I never ever put an untested juice in a cartomizer. Only juices I like earn cartomizers. I use a standard resistance DSE901 atomizer on KR808D-1 to test juices. I have manual batteries so i can use a drip tip with the atomizer. It is not recommended to ever use a drip tip on an auto battery - another good reason to buy a manual battery. I get both the atomizer and the drip tip at LiteCigUSA.net

Some places w/ KR808D-1 cartos
Vapor4Life - prefills and blanks (I do think many of their fruits are overdone. Their WOW flavor have strong hit. My faves are WOWbacco which is a cocoa tobacco and WOW Vanilla and I also buy those two as juices)
Bloogplanet - prefills, not sure if they have blanks
Smoketip - prefills
MadVapes - some blanks I have not tried - sound similar to Vapor4Life WOW carts
LiteCigUSA.net also has some KR808D-1 blanks

Juices - Vapor4Life because their juices are well formulated for cartos, FreedomSmokeUSA - the non-Specialty juices which have PG/VG choices, Gourmet Vapor, Tasty Vapor, Juicy Vapor are some of the places that offer lots of PG/VG ratios so I can get the 80pg/20vg I like in cartos (good carto life, but still some nice vapor). Occasionally I use a 100% PG juice.

Re refilling Cig2o or Cig2go - depends. Did the rebranders glue the cap on or use hard caps to discourage refilling? They may also have inner seals to thwart pushing the juice in.

The first step in refilling is to have appropriate juice. The second step is to not run your cartos dry to the point of singeing them. You singe it, you ruin the flavor. This is how I fill blank cartos. For prefills, skip to my last paragraph.

Pop out the soft cap with an unbent paperclip in the mouth hole, very careful not to catch stuffing or the wire loop.
Shake and open the eliquid
Hold a bit of tissue on the threaded end hole, tilt the carto, and add 18+ drops per ml of capacity into the stuffing (Boges are about 1ml)
Clean up the threaded end, tilt open end down into tissue, puff into threaded end to clear air channel (Boges have a defined center air channel and I want to see light through that)
Sop up any loose juice above the stuffing
Cap and let it settle - I lay it on different sides for 15-20 minutes to make sure every bit of stuffing gets damp so I won't singe the carto. if you use thicker juice than me (I use 30% Vg or less, I prefer 20%) then you may need to wait much longer.

While vaping, if the vapor gets a bit light or a bit dry or the carto is getting hotter than normal, I take the carto off the battery and add eliquid. I sometimes use a plastic or delrin drip tip as a mouthpiece on Boge cartos (not to drip into since the juice would head for the central air channel)

If your vendors is purposely using caps that are difficult to remove then I would buy my cartos elsewhere. For the ones you already have with impossible to remove caps - ask someone how to do the carto condom fill method, a method I don't use (and I don't really recommend it, especially with auto batteries)
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