Anyone else NOT like high VG and 100% VG?

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Jan 24, 2014
Does Vg or Pg help with the flavor? Does Vg diminish the taste or enhance it? I usually get the wife her Ry4 double from Zeus and usually at 18mg @ 50/50. But the last order I tried the 70 or 80 vg and she complained it didn't taste as good maybe less flavor so wondering if it was the batch or the Vg change?

My experience when I had to use that 85% VG for a week-ish was that the flavor didn't change that much, maybe just a *touch* sweeter, but similar; however the throat hit was almost not there at all, and that drove me NUTS. For this to be a successful way for me to leave off the smokes, it's got to be similar as much as possible, and the lack of throat hit almost drove me back to cigarettes in pure frustration. At least, my addicted brain kept telling me that without throat hit it was unsatisfying and that awful feeling in my chest meant that the VG ejuice was worse for me than cigarettes -- fortunately I prevailed over that insane suicidal addict that lives in my head, and stuck with vaping, but it wasn't easy.



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Jan 24, 2014
This thread is very interesting as I'm new to vaping and trying all kinds of juice. I only ordered 2 bottles to try, but the chest thing has me a bit worried.

If you're new to this, you might want to stick with at least 70% PG for a little while, in order to be able to taste whatever the flavor is; you didn't say if you're an ex-smoker, a recent quit, or still trying to quit, but apparently all smokers/ex-smokers have issues with taste for some indeterminate time after quitting, which makes sense; if you torture your poor tastebuds for years with smoke, they probably go to sleep in pure self-defense. The higher PG will also give you a great deal more throat hit, which makes vaping feel more like the sensation of smoking.

Some people apparently do have some issues with PG, and you would know pretty quickly if that was the case, and be able to go more towards the VG side. VG seems to cause fewer problems for *most* people, though a lot of us just can't handle the heaviness of it; it's a great deal heavier than PG, and a great deal more viscous (thicker).



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Jan 15, 2014
Orlando, Florida
You can use up to 1/3 distilled water with VG and it does cut down on the thickness and the density of the cloud a great deal, as well as lightening the effect on the lungs. I prefer VG that way, and I'm surprised so many vendors insist on making VG so thick, my guess is they do it for cloud chasers.

Using whole tobacco alkaloid or NET seems to enhance the throat hit of VG as well.

50/50 VG/PG seems to work for me.


Full Member
Nov 1, 2013
You can use up to 1/3 distilled water with VG and it does cut down on the thickness and the density of the cloud a great deal, as well as lightening the effect on the lungs. I prefer VG that way, and I'm surprised so many vendors insist on making VG so thick, my guess is they do it for cloud chasers.

Using whole tobacco alkaloid or NET seems to enhance the throat hit of VG as well.

50/50 VG/PG seems to work for me.

Up to 1/3 water, must try that, I use between 80 & 100% VG so must see what diluting with water is like instead of PG, I find PG too harsh on my throat now after vaping for six months, maybe because of smoking for decades.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
That's the thing I just don't get, all these people saying that PG hurts their throats... after inhaling HOT SMOKE for decades. That seems very weird to me, that such a mild, inert, and omnipresent substance could hurt a throat worse than smoke does. I started using my asthma inhaler 30+ yrs ago, and I don't recall the PG causing me any distress at the time, when I first started using it; using a lot more of it now, with vaping, no problems.



Ultra Member
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Mar 29, 2014
That's the thing I just don't get, all these people saying that PG hurts their throats...

It was really bad for me, extremely painful, vaping would cause hacking. It felt like my throat was on fire, started losing my voice, this caused a serious panic because I couldn't vape or get my nic. 90% VG from Ahlusion and 100% from Velvet Cloud made everything better very quickly. Halo and Joyetech 50/50 almost sent me back to cigarettes.
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