Breaking it in

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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 17, 2011
Terre Haute, IN
I have some new
1. LR atomizers (2.0 and 1.7 smok techs from madvapes)

2. LR (1.7) cartomizers

3. dual coil 1.5 ohm cartomizers
all due in today.

a. What do I need to do to break these in and have them last as long as possible?

b. How many drops should I be using, and how often should I refill (I know it is subjective, but anything close to average will help).

1a. I think breaking in atomizers is 5 drops, then wait a few minutes. Then another drop or two, then wait another minute. Is this right?

edit: I am using a 3.7v (actually running about 4v) 1100 mAh eGo 510
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Timothy Cullen

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 29, 2010
Hanson, Kentucky, United States
well hangdude first thing first is you wanna make sure that their is no primer fluid at all. trust me im forgetfull and it makes an awful mess when you drip on top of it(plus it taste like crap)
for a brand new atty bone dry i do about 4 to 5 drops. let it sit and do a quick vape if i get any burning i add more. but your method will work but you may flood it as the 510 style atomizer does not hold a lot of liquid. it just depends on how hot your vaping im assuming a 3.7v mod.

with atomizers just vape them they break in in about a day or so. just depends on vaping style.
for cartomizers (for me anyways) their is really no breakin period just fill and let sit at least 30 mins. you want to make sure you get the maximum fill (the reason for the resting) most people let it sit a couple of hours or over night and see if it needs more juice.
and just top off occasionally with cartomizers.
some more people should chime in with other helpful tips.
and btw i think your gonna love the dual coils ive heard a lot of good things about them i just gotta get the money to get my hands on some lol


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
The cartomizers shouldn't need to be broken in, so to speak. Just fill them with about 20-25 drops and let them sit for at least 15 minutes before you use them. You'll know when to refill because the vapor production will drop. If you get a burnt taste or if they just stop working then it's time to toss them.

The LR atomizers should just be used like you would normally for dripping; 3 drops to start and vape until the vapor production drops off and the flavor changes, then 2 more drops. Make sure you blow them out before you use them to get rid of any primer.
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