Budget Buddy Vaping - Vapor Alley Juices Written Review

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2011
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
To show that vaping can be enjoyable even if you are on a budget. All items reviewed were purchased out of my own pocket to spend my money like yours.

I promise to review every product honestly, sparing no feelings and taking no prisoners. Such is the Wyatt Derp Way.


Hey there homovapiens and welcome to another edition of Budget Buddy vaping.

I recently purchased some eliquid to review from VaporAlley - Stroll down the alley for great products. The juices I purchased for the purpose of this review were Apple Pie and Dry Blend. I want to note that all the eliquid sold at VaporAlley - Stroll down the alley for great products are only available in 10ml size bottles and are all mixed at 75/25 PG to VG ratio. I'm vaping 18mg strength eliquid for these reviews.

It is important to note that juice reviews are entirely subjective as every person will taste things differently due to difference in taste-buds. If we did have the same taste-buds, we might be related and you might owe me some money, that's just how it works with relatives.

The reason I've decided to do juice reviews at all is to inform you as to whether the juice tastes, to me, accurate for the description of the juice and to inform as to whether the juice is priced well for budget vapers.

Both juices are being vaped at 3.7v on an eGo style battery with the juices themselves being loaded into a Dual Coil cartomizer. Each juice has been vaped for two days to give them a fair shake as some juices either grow on you or take some getting used to.

Apple Pie 18mg 75PG/25VG:

The liquid inside the bottle definitely gives of a hint of apple but not much else.

The inhale of the juice does give a subtle taste of apple but unfortunately no taste of any type of baked good for the crust flavor of the pie. I also tasted a strong nutty flavor to the inhale, which I would best describe as the taste of burnt peanuts.

On the exhale, I still tasted a strong burnt peanut flavor along with a potpurri like flavor. No, I haven't eaten potpurri, at least not in a few months (okay days), but that is how I liken the additional flavor on the exhale. I can say there was good vapor production due to the 25% VG mixture.

All in all, very slight Dekang-like Apple flavor but no payoff for Apple Pie flavor. I will just have to settle for a 50 cent apple pie from McD's for now.

Dry Blend 18mg 75PG/25VG:

The liquid inside the bottle gives a scent of nutty type liquid similar to Dekang 555. There was no description listed on the website to tell me exactly what Dry Blend was to taste like. Based on past experience, I deduced it was to be close to a Pipe Tobacco or Cigar flavor so tobacco like flavor is what I was hoping for. Or the juice could taste like psoriasis which was unbeknownst to me as there is no description.

The inhale of the juice gives a very unpleasant burnt peanut flavor, worse than that of the apple pie juice.

On the exhale, I still tasted a strong burnt peanut flavor along with a parmesan cheese like flavor to it as well which makes the exhale even more unpleasant than the inhale. The exhaled vapor from this juice leaves a lingering order of burnt peanut and parmesan cheese in the room that I'd been vaping it in. The exhaled vapor's scent lasted for around 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on whether I opened up the windows or not. Again, good vapor production due to the 25% VG mixture.

All in all, very unpleasant flavor.

Price feedback:

The juice on Vapor Alley's website is listed at $3.99 for 10ml. Shipping costs for the site are $3.00 to ship so you would pay $6.99 or $.70 per ml for a sample bottle of eliquid. If you found yourself liking the juice, you could obtain 30ml of juice with shipping for $14.97, which broken down brings the price to $.50 per ml.

Shipping time was fast as I received my order within 4 business days of placing it during the Christmas Holiday.

To sum things up, I would NOT recommend the juice based off of how the juices tasted to me. I would recommend the site though for the pricing of their accessories, especially the pricing of their mod batteries. The current coupon code for the site is "ecf" for 5% off your purchase. If you would like to give the juice a try anyway, it is a great price for sampling.

In closing, I would like to say thank you to my fellow homovapiens. Please keep the peace out there and let's keep vaping for a better tomorrow.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
May 28, 2011
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Hey everybody, just wanted to say thank you for your continued support of Budget Buddy Vaping. I do need to ask for something in return though....

All I ask is that if you enjoy Budget Buddy Vaping's written and video reviews, please spread the word about Budget Buddy Vaping. I'm a one man army here and I'm making these videos and writing these reviews to save fellow vapers money and to give information out on who has what, good or bad, for those on a budget. I want is to make sure that my information gets out there every way possible.

I'm not trying to make money off of this in any way, shape or form. If I was trying to get anything out of it, I wouldn't be spending extra money each month on stuff I might not like to save others money. I just want the information to be out there as my way of giving back to the vaping community.

So, if you see a written review you like here, bump it when you can and let others know it's out there. If you like a video, share it with vapers where you can or direct them to my channel on youtube at Jaemanu12's Channel - YouTube. Thanks everybody again and let's keep vaping for a better tomorrow.
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