Can the kayfun lite clone hit as hard as a rebuilt IGO-W?

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Full Member
Mar 14, 2014
EHPro Black Kayfun Lite Plus Clone $54.99 -

Im thinking about getting this but i want it to match up to my current igo-w build
(28 gauge kanthal wire, 10-wrap dual coil, with slightly bigger drilled airholes)

My current atomizer build is pretty good, i get a good amount of clouds and flavor wise its there.

I was wondering if this specific Kayfun Lite clone will do the job if i get it rebuilt as well?

Plus this tank can hold a good amount of juice right? (Im not a fan of dripping after 3-5 puffs...)

There seems to be that part where you can replace the clear tank glass with the black one, but that wont affect the amount of juice it can hold?
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 16, 2013
Colorado, USA
I got my KF clone a few weeks befor getting my IGO W wich was just a couple of days ago. I can't get my IGO W to hit nearly as well as my KF clone. I'm actually getting better results from my cheapy little SMOKteck RDA than my IGO W:glare:
So far I've really only had this:-x with my IGO. But much of this:vapor::hubba:with my Kayfun clone.
But I'm sure I'll get the hang of the IGO so this is simply my opinion as of right now.
EDIT: I do not have the specific KF clone you refer to. Best of luck to you.


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Full Member
Mar 14, 2014
You'll be able to build lower ohm coils with the IGO dripper than you will with the Kayfun-style. At least that is my understanding. You could melt the insulation on the Kayfun with sub-ohms. The Kayfun is designed more for flavor production than for cloud chasing.

Having said that...

impressive but looks wise its not very appealing.......... I was really liking that black kayfun because of its sleekness


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Nov 21, 2013
Northern CALI, USA
I have both, and I can "build" , let use the key word "build" my IGO-W with setup that hits a lot harder than my Russian 91%, HCigar Kayfun 3.1, Ehpro Lite plus, because of hardware limitations of Kayfuns design in general.

The biggest specific limitations of Ehpro Kayfuns for monster "hits" is the air flow...the air flow on Ehpro isn't good as Kayfun 3.1, Russian 91% or even the authentic Kayfun 3.1 lite plus v2. I got my Ehpro Kayfun lite plus from Eciggity and it claim it had the bigger air flow, so if your use to or expecting the same as RDA, you might be disappointed.

But if you want a good vaper, and flavor, then you will good. I use my Kayfuns for about town etc. I just need nic fix, not to look like I'm Willie Nelson "clouding" on his tour bus.

If you want something that is similar to IGO-W and portable, get a Reo,


Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
Don't know about the clones, but my Russian vapes quite excellent at 30 watts, thick rich satisfying vape, no dripping necessary, and oh yeah, it holds like 5 ml of juice while supplying this fantastic vape.

Umm, not a dripper fan, prefer tanks, but several of my tanks are also drippers. Love using them in drip mode when testing a new build, juice or wick, but for continuous vaping it's a bit of a pita, for little, if any benefit. But then I've barely broken the warp 50 barrier. May change my mind when I try to break warp 70
You can get a decent cloud out of the Kayfun and certainly some good flavor. But you certainly can't compete with any rebuildable dripping atomizer as far as cloud chasing goes. You can build pretty hot on a Kayfun but that is not its design. I love my Kayfun and take it everywhere. But when I'm sitting on the couch at home vaping away I'll always choose my drippers. I can bounce around with flavors, cloud density, heat, etc, on the fly with a small assortment of RBA's sitting in front of me.
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