cartos = fun :)

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Ok so after getting my first delivery of cartos (lr, dual and normal boge) I've had time to tinker with them. I believe I do prefer them over the tanks of the ego. The taste is better and the lack of leaking is nice as far as sticking it in your pocket.

I started yesterday with the boge. Nice. Great taste and tons of vapor. Moved to the lr one in the evening. I enjoy the warmer vapor for sure. Little longer than the boge but still pocket friendly.

I haven't played with the dual as much yet, so far I don't notice much of a difference from the lr one. But I'm also using a ego 650 battery so that is likely limiting its abilities.

All in all I really like them. I believe I'll still revert to dripping while at home but for car use I think they've replaced my tanks mainly due to the added flavor.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Carto's are meant for dripping, stick a drip tip on the end of your LR carto you will love it!

I got a drip tip in the same order and figured out it would be better than the rubber end! I'm loving the drip tip.... I was using a blank non filled 510 cart prior for a few weeks. world of difference!!
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