Cloupor Mini Malfunction

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I finally received my pre order cloupor mini today from fast tech after waiting 2 months only to find it was a lemon. Once the battery is placed into the mod it turns on right away and vapes great. Once powered off with the 5 clicks of the fire button or left on until sleep mode for about 5 seconds the mod fires continuously on it's own until the battery is physically removed. Thank god I caught this right out of the box and didn't have it blow up in my pocket.

I took a video of it malfunctioning but unfortunately I'm new to this forum and it will not allow me to post links. if you search "Cloupor Mini Malfunction" on youtube posted today you can see my video footage.

I've emailed cloupor and fast tech and 2 days have gone by with no response. What poor customer service. If this thing actually worked right and was safe I'd say it would have been my go to all day vape mod.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Nov 26, 2014
Ft. Worth, TX
Hate to say it, but I believe this was a common problem with the cloupor mini. In fact as I recall some even melted and caught fire. Phil Busardo apparently got a response directly from cloupor that he has posted to his website.

Copy of the response from cloupor

"To Cloupor mini owners:

We are so sorry to bring some customers any trouble during last few days .

To satisfy the huge market , we worked hard for the large production .
And we actually didn’t control the whole quality system very well at that time.

About 0.1%-0.2% Cloupor mini may have overheat or short circuit or some other different defective problems. This may cause the circuit board melted down,but it will never reach to a ignition point to make other things burn , let alone catch fire.

If yours with the above kind of problem ,be free to email us

For the customers do not have any problem until now but worry about if yours with the potential overheat problem,
here is a simple identify way:
Connect a atomizer and press the fire button 15s at 30W(just one time) , if doesn’t show "Too hot" ,that’s a good unit.

We’v found the source of the problem and changed the firmware .For the new batch we shipped from last week ,
no this overheat issues.

Tough time may happen to any companies , we believe a positive attitude will make all things better .
Thanks so much for your support ! And welcome any suggestion!"
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