ecto cooler in vivi nova

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LV SuzyQ

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Jan 10, 2013
Las Vegas
I'm attempting Ecto Cooler through a Vivi Nova mini. So far it's not working very well but I think it's because of poorly manufactured heads. I haven't been able to get a good pull and what I am getting tastes a little cardboardy. The first head I tried burnt out and the other two seem to have the coil wound too closely together. The juice has been in there for about two days and I haven't noticed any clouding or crazing and only minor leaking.

If you have genuine Vivis you shouldn't have any leaking issues .. I have 8 of them and never had even the slightest leaking from any of them.


Full Member
Feb 16, 2013
Collinsville, VA
Just tried ecto cooler and not really a big fan of it, switched it out with berry creamy and liking in so far.

Mt Bakers flavors are usually MTO so let it steep for a couple days and come back for it. Dont count it out yet.

I bought some flavors from some place in NC(cant remember name) and they were just rotten. Let steep for about 2 weeks and they were awesome after that.
I just found this thread too late.. ugh. The Ecto wasn't bad.. But, it turns out... Despite a million recommendations... taste IS subjective... And I've found in my vaping infancy that I agree with dessert and tea vapes very well.. that citrus-y stuff, whiskey type flavors and soda stuff doesn't translate as well as I'd hoped when I made my initial juice purchases...

A friend told me a legit Vision Vivi could take anything... soooo I waited til it got here and loaded the Nova with Ecto. Wasn't a fan... Not bad... But definitely not tank worthy for me... But no real tank isues, as far as I could tell... it was also SUPER hard for my inexperienced ... to find a voltage "sweet spot" with it. It was either not enough flavor, or burnt to .....

Mt Dew... Ugh. I got the slight flavor in a cartomizer... Nothing to write home about. But, when I put it in the Vivi, the wheels came off... TH was there, as was vapor... but it was flavorless... and gave my mouth an aftertaste that can only be descibed as that feeling you have the morning AFTER you burn the roof of your mouth.

Back to Kahlua it is, then...
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