Ego-t 100% VG?

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
Is a disaster on its way? :)

I read a lot on this forum, and understand that VG is way thicker than PG, and that it will clog the atomizer much faster, but was wondering if i could prevent an early death with regular cleaning? I tried all of it in my first week, pure PG, pure VG, 80-20 mix, PEG, and surely enough, one of the atomizer started to decrease in function. But it happened days after vaping pure VG.

So, do you think I could squeeze 2 week from one atty, using only VG and cleaning it regularly, or is it mission impossible?



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2010
You might, but no one will be able to say for sure. Even regular atomizers can be unpredictable. 100% VG isn't going to wick well with the eGo-T atomizer at all. Most people recommend using a 70PG/30VG mix. If you can't use PG, then you can try thinning the VG with distilled water or PGA. Even then, the life of an atty might only be a few days or a couple of months.


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May 17, 2011
Our United States
I use the eGo-t. You'll probably need to clean it every other day, to make that work. And you'll have to pull the wick-plate out, and do a dry burn, as part of that cleaning-- make sure not to do a dry-burn with the wick in, or you can fuse the wick to the coil, though. Vg juices don't work out too well in the T.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2011
I use 100% VG exclusively with my egoT and my atties have lasted me 3 months so far. I wouldn't say they clog or break them any faster than with PG. VG isn't that much thicker than PG and I haven't run into as many problems as I was expecting.

All I need to do is allow more time for the VG to wick. I use egoTs in rotation for that reason. I get around 8 - 10 puffs on it before it's getting dry, hit the other one and when I'm done the other is good to go again. Apart from needing more time to wick, atties have lasted months and there's honestly been no problem at all.


ECF Guru
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Sep 11, 2010
between here and there
Hello and welcome.....actually I find putting some pg into a tank about half full and vaping it without inhaling cleans them very well.....Mine have been in production for well over 5 weeks and I use 100% vg from Their vg is not thick at all......put still produces great vapor and taste....ymmv but it sure does hit my sweet spot.


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Mar 5, 2011
Sunny Tampa Florida
I have an allergy to Pg and use all Vg in my ego-t. All Vg is to thick to run in your ego-t. It works fine as long as your juice is thinned with some (10 to 15 %) distilled water. Some vendors add it like VaporRenu, VelvetVapors. Some don't like HoneyvilleVapors. I usually drop vendors an email letting them know my situation and what equiptment I use and ask if they can thin them for me. If they can't thin for you, most are willing to add extra flavor so you can thin them at home when you get them. I have had no problems using thinned Vg in my ego-t at all. They last just as long as they did when I was using 70/30 in them. I have some ego-t's that are 5 months old and still going strong.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
Thanks again, so i guess i'll try to thin it with 10% of distilled water and hope not to loose all the flavor :)

Have another question: one of the atomizers i have, wasn't producing much vapor anymore, and the draw was really hard. So i tried to clean it, left it in alcohol for about 20 min, let it dry, but no change. So i tried it again: this time i left it soak in alcohol over night. Its much better in terms of vapor production and throat hit now, but the draw is still really hard..also getting some burned taste now..any ideas? Guess I'll have to lift the plate now, and check the wick? :)

thanks again

edit: burned taste must have been from me reading this forum too much, and not realising there is no juice in my tank anymore..oops :)
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Full Member
Verified Member
Nov 9, 2010
My experience with an Ego-T:
I use LR atties, and usually toss them after 2 weeks.
Cleaning them is too much fuss for me: got to remove wick plate, burn a residue on a wick with lighter until it turns white, force warm water through an atty, reposition a wick with an old tank, simply too much for me.
I just keep them for cleaning in case of emergency.
I use Flavour Art e-liqid 65/30% PG/VG (5%Water), or pure VG (20% water inside), no problem whatsoever.
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