Evaperated !!

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Full Member
Jul 23, 2014
PG, BC, Canada
I made and order with these people and I am excited to get it. Scheduled to get here tomorrow but I have hope it will come today. They are a Canadian company and have good reviews on their site.

Any one have experience with this company and their juices?

I ordered:

Exhale - least excited about this one. It is supposed to be apple mostly with hints of green tea. Sounds like something not too sweet i can vape during the day.

Bluchie - It is a blueberry cheesecake vape. I have never tried a cheesecake vape so I am looking forward to trying it.

Alpha blood - I am the most excited about this one. Supposed to be a pear flavored juice with vanilla and caramel flavors.

Blue sky... ..... - This one sounds good but I dont like overly sweet flavors. It is described as "blue" lol. Says something about blue raspberry and the reviews say it tastes like a blue freezie.

Anyone try these flavors? I title searched "evaperated" and only one old, locked thread came up.


Full Member
Jul 23, 2014
PG, BC, Canada
Got them yesterday.

Alpha blood is awesome, tastes like a real pear and a slight hunt of caremel.

Bluchie is great as well. Tastes like actual cheesecake with a graham crack crust. I can taste the blueberry but just barely. This
Might be my everyday vape.

Exhale was good but not great, probably won't reorder this one.

I got a free sample of "something wicked" and it is good as well. And I haven't tried blue sky yet.

This is the 4th vendor I've tried and the flavours remind me more of halos flavours. Mount bakers flavours weren't bad but they didn't have much complexity. I am extremely happy with this order.
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