Finally stopped lurking

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Full Member
Aug 19, 2013
Well I have been lurking for a few months and figured I would register. Well I've been vaping for about 4 months . I had about a pack a day habit with almost 2 cans of dip a day on top of that . I now only vape. I am vaping on a smok Zmax mini with a protank or boge lr cartos . I'm thinking of upgrading . I'm not sure if I'm gonna go with a mech or provari. I chain vape all day and night , like I sleep with my vape under my pillow, for that late night nic fix. I'm in riverside ca and just wanted to say hello , and thanks for all the info I have got in the past few month. Sorry for any typos I'm on a phone

Vape on


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Aug 15, 2013
When I drop, I do it 1 mg at a time and increase voltage a little to keep the throat hit the same, then dial the voltage back down gradually. Also menthol favors seem to help me keep up the throat hit with less nic. For me, getting away from tobacco favors helped me differentiate between the flavor and throat hit from the nicotine effect. In other words, it doesn't need to taste like a cigarette for me to know that I'm getting my sweet, sweet nicotine. The current delivery method is much more pleasant than the previous ones.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2013
I mostly vape fruity stuff like lush and uncle junks flavors I'm on a bang bang Julius kick right now but I do love me some black licorice it never loses flavor and I vaped 60mls straight without changing flavors, I really need to get some more. I don't vape tobacco flavors and don't think I will but who knows . I will get some menthol to add to my juice that should help, thanks scotton , I'm not sure why I didn't think of that .what I would like is a spearmint menthol flavor that sounds addictive


ECF Guru
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Mar 31, 2012
Ontario, Canada

You're already 99% in a better place; take all the time you need, reducing the nic. ;) I rotate through three nic levels (9, 6 and 0) throughout the day.

I agree with take the time you need. I was a PAD smoker for 37 years and started vaping at 18 mg. Took about 9 months to get to zero nic. I did it in stages, giving myself time to get used to the reduced TH and lower nic through each stage. It was really pretty easy too.


Full Member
Aug 14, 2013
I was only a half PAD smoker and started at 24 now down to 12 and sometimes 6. Keep it up. At least it's a fun way to quit

I totally agree and I am looking forward to seeing if I can do the same. I just started so right now I am using 32mg but I am waiting for 24mg to arrive any day so I am taking my first steps to quitting I guess. I smoked a little more then a pack a day and I haven't had an analog in 2 weeks.


Full Member
Aug 19, 2013
I totally agree and I am looking forward to seeing if I can do the same. I just started so right now I am using 32mg but I am waiting for 24mg to arrive any day so I am taking my first steps to quitting I guess. I smoked a little more then a pack a day and I haven't had an analog in 2 weeks.
I have atempted to smoke a anolog a few times since I stopped. I get the same result every time, I light it and put it out. They taste like .... now and they stink to high hell. I have got my brother and sister in-law to quit. I'm working on my older brother now. And the biggest perk to them quiting is no stinky 2nd hand smoke and trying there juice lol
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