GotVapes Weekly: Come play with us. New Game every week!

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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2012
Just to toots Aggie's horn (and show off a bit), here's a cool juice holder she made for me:

The winner of the prize is gonna be one lucky person!



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 26, 2011
The Reef just off the Florida coast

(Game started 7/6 @ 9:03 AM)

As of Monday 7/6 @ 9:03 AM Eastern

"Aggie Art!!!!!!":w00t: -- Round #1 (at this time)

You can pick 2 numbers every 30 minutes between 1 & 1200

(We reserve the right to change to a new round with a new number of pickins, pickin range and/or pickin time at ANY time :D)


JUST Two numbers per half hour
(Time is calculated from initial post...neeners don't count against you ;))

Check the board for available numbers: HOWEVER....we would HIGHLY suggest that you check the thread for numbers already claimed and not yet marked. DO NOT rely entirely on looking at the board for available numbers. Neeners may come MUCH later than normal and we would hate for you to miss a neener ;)

Link to Gotvapes Game Board!

Colored cells are taken.

Winning number(s) are chosen via at game end.

The Prize:

istick engraved by Aggie


DISCLAIMER!!!!!! These are NOT sold anywhere EVER! Aggie has shared her talent with us out of the goodness of her heart. Her artwork is NOT sold....PERIOD.....she is not a vendor of any kind.....Just a SUPER generous monkey whom we love dearly.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A 'liked' post does not mean you've got that number (or that you yourself are even liked). The first person to pick a number gets that number whether it's marked on the board or not. When we 'Like' your picks that means one of the five helpers are marking them on the board. If there are any mistakes/conflicts, we will reply to your post. So check back a while after you pick to see if we noted any problems.

Please do not edit your pick posts.
If someone already took your number, or an error was made, please wait for a helper to post the error. Please "Reply" to the helper's post with your new pick.


Please do not click on the game board.

The game ends sometime Friday. We then announce the winning pick.

ALL Birthday Poopies will get additional picks on their ECF listed Birthday :w00t: (1 birthday per year please :D)

Theses aren't rules (but they really are). They are guidance (that must be followed). And they may change at any time. Without prior notice. Maybe even without ensuing notice.
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