Hangsen E-liquid Review (Sort of)

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Sep 15, 2014
Alright, so I was just browsing through fasttech and I noticed that there were 30ml bottles of Hangsen e-liquid for only $3.88. I found that kind of intriguing, so just for the hell of it I ordered 6 bottles totaling $19.43 for 180ml of ejuice. After taking FOREVER to arrive, I finally had the opportunity to taste each of these over a few days.

While I wasn't expecting a whole lot, I was hoping that these might at least be decent because at my local vape shop they have some $3 30ml bottles and some flavors are okay tasting. Here is my very informal review of each flavor.

Ruyan 4 Flavor: 1393319-1-thumb.jpg (3/10)

[FONT=arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Minor tobacco flavor with an overwhelming gram cracker smell and vape. I found it quite unappealing, and although I did re-drip it a few times because it was almost tolerable and smelled alright, I threw out the rest of the bottle.

[/FONT]Juicy Peach Flavor: 1444209-2-thumb.jpg (2/10)

Almost peach flavored, but like a sickly sweet kind. Like a peach gone bad. Very very sweet tasting, with a strange chemically peach after taste. $5.99 bottle you can get at a gas station would taste a lot better. Threw out the bottle.

Red Bull Flavor: 1338201-1-thumb.jpg (6.5/10)

After trying a couple of the others, I really wasn't expecting much when I tried this. I give it a smell, and it does smell like an energy drink. Not necessarily red bull, but energy drink like for sure. I'm not sure if its because I'd just been vaping a couple other disgusting flavors, but this one was actually pretty decent. There are probably better red bull flavors out there, but for $3.88 it tasted pretty good. Very difficult to describe, a bit red-cola ish with that signature caffeine(or something else..) taste that you get from energy drinks. I'm planning on actually re-ordering this next time I make an order from fasttech because of its good price. I finished the bottle.

Fruit Mix Flavor: 1385805-1-thumb.jpg (2/10)

I do generally enjoy fruit mixes, even very cheap ones. I like fruity flavors in general really. Unfortunately, this juice smells and vapes like a cleaning product, like air freshener or something. Again, a very gross chemically taste as if you had inhaled a bit of cleaning product on accident, I really wouldn't recommend. Perhaps that's a bit harsh, but it really wasn't enjoyable. Threw out the bottle.

Apple Flavor: 1386801-1-thumb.jpg (3.5/10)

This one was almost tolerable. The smell is like green apples, and I had some hopes for it. I was out of any of my premium juices, so I gave this one a shot. The smell leaves you craving for a more sour green apple taste, but when you vape its quite sweet. Its like...60% apple flavor 40% chemically cleaning product taste. I'm not sure what causes some of these juices to taste like this, but it isn't good. I dripped it a few times to see if I could get over it, but I ended up throwing away the bottle.

Blueberry Flavor: (Won't let me post more than 5 images - fail ecf..) (2/10)

The first flavor I ever vaped was a blueberry ice from an ego ce4 starter kit. I really liked the taste at the time, and hadn't had any blueberry since. So I went into this with an open mind. Smell was alright, but not very strong. Certainly not that strong enticing aroma you get from a lot of juices, that make you crave the actual fruit. Pretty much what you'd expect if you read through my others. The blueberry taste itself was actually kind of weak, and didn't even really remind me of blueberries as much as blueberry flavoring on candy or something. It was okay at best, I didn't really enjoy vaping it. After dripping it a couple times just to give it a fair chance, I threw it out as well.

And yep, there is my review of of boredom for some pretty terrible juices. If you can afford ANYTHING better, I'd go with something else.

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