Hello All

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Hey Guys,

New to the forum. I've been using an Joye eGo-T since May, and love it. Quit smoking traditional cigs after 8 years.

There are not many stores in my area that sell vapor products, so I have began a business plan with a colleague of mine, and I am seeking some advice.

We want to prospect local businesses to sell various e-cig brands, models, and fluids, but I have yet to find a source for this. Does one exist? Is there a way to be a distributor for multiple companies to prospect to local businesses and make a profit?

I have contacted individual companies, but the lack of response is astonishing. We have also went directly to the supplier level, but we would not be able to swing 100 piece MOQ for various models/brands. Not to mention, we would have 2 months of catalog design to do something like this.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the welcome!

Yes.... that's kind of the point we are at. In an ideal world, we would be able to receive catalog's from suppliers/distributors with coded pricing, and just takes those catalogs to our prospects. We would love to go straight to the supplier level, but as mentioned, we could not swing the inventory cost.

I've been searching at this for awhile.... the idea itself appears as though it may be a business opportunity as well, as no one appears to be providing this service yet.

Thanks again!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 13, 2013
Hello Hamrick!

I can't help with your business model, but if you figure it out, maybe you could pass on the info? There is a surprising (okay, not so surprising) LACK of sellers here in the heart of BT. Your model looks like one that might actually work AND get vaping gear into a much larger community like the one I live in.
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