Hello from Victoria, Canada!

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Full Member
Jul 6, 2012
Greetings ECF members!

This is my first post to ECF. I've been vaping for about two months now. With thirty years of experience smoking over a thirty-five year period, I am immensely grateful for my current break from smoking.

I tried vaping with a few disposables. Then I went out and purchased an ego-c style kit along with clearomizer and ejuice. In the past two months, I have smoked less than what I used to smoke every day. Though still addicted to nicotine, I haven't found it necessary to turn federally approved methods of nicotine delivery.

So, hello and thanks to everyone that has contributed to this forum in one way or another. I've already found this place incredibly practical for learning about vaping. Look forward to being a contributing member.
Jul 6, 2012
  • Deleted by Misty
  • Reason: unregistered supplier


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 20, 2012
Greetings from another beecee-er! Those disposables are rubbish, the NV smokeless ones are pretty much all the shops have here. Congrats on cutting down after so long, and without nic+ to boot! That's beyond my feeble will power, needed nic+ to finally give up.

Feel free to stick round, ask questions, give answers. You've found a great community here. Once you have 5 posts head over to Canada section, there's more of us there every day.

In other news, it seems that in the past few weeks every search re: e-cigs is on top, I just search here now.
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