HELP: Joye 510 Cartridge Refill or Atomizer problem?

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New Member
Nov 23, 2010
I'm new to vaping, I've started about four days ago. I ordered a Joye 510 off healthcabin along with a PCC and two liquids, one of the liquids being a 30ml bottle and the other a 10ml both w/ 18mg of nic and from dekang. The starter kit came with two batteries, two atomizers and five empty carts. My question is how to properly refill them. I drip from 6-10 drops on the polyfiber and fluff it a bit with a paper clip, only then do I start vaping and after a while it gets to a point where the vapor starts to get my throat a lot harder than it did in the beginning when I first dripped the e-liquid, so then I look at the polyfill and there's still liquid in there, absorbed. So is the problem the atty, that's burning the liquid when it reaches e minimal level or am I filling it wrong? I want to know how to do things properly so that I am not wasting any e-liquid.
Any tips would be highly appreciated, Thank you.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The problem is that you are using standard polyfill, which doesn't wick well enough to get all the liquid.

There are many solutions to this...
1) Switch to a different filler material
2) Switch to using cartomizers
3) Switch to dripping
4) Switch to auto-feeding mods

If you want to try different filler materials, check out this subforum...
Cartridge Mods


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Also, you might not be filling it nearly as full as you could...

the problem is that if you are just putting drops right on top of the filler material that comes with the cartridge, it isn't going to sink to the bottom without a little help. You can use a toothpick or paper clip to push the filler aside a little bit so that it can breathe while you are putting in the drops. Some people use a syringe or a needle tipped dropper bottle to get all the way down to the bottom of the cartridge, and some people use the straw modification. And I have found that if you replace the stock filler material with blue foam, you can actually put the drops right in if you tilt the cartridge to the side while doing so.
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