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Full Member
Apr 17, 2016
To start it off, I would like to say that I have been free of analogs for almost a year now and it feels great. It's been a bit of a struggle sometimes(mainly when drinking and around smokers), but other than that I've found it substantially easy to kick that gross habit to the curb. I can't emphasize how much better I feel emotionally and physically. I no longer get night sweats or have trouble sleeping, no more cough and my lung capacity has increased insanely. I always knew that cigarettes are terrible for you and I'm ashamed that I even started in the first place. I started out using those generic pen style e-cigs bought from gas stations and quickly upgraded to an eGo with a clearomizer. Within a month I was hooked and soon purchased a V/W battery along with a Kangertech Protank. Fast forward 9 months and I finally made the plunge for an rda setup(which I love emensly). I am very pleased with all my purchases and decisions regarding vaping and I'm happy to join a community of what seems to be some pretty awesome people.

Sorry for the long rant and life story.
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