Huge THANK YOU to everyone @ ECF!!!

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2010
Slidell, LA
First time poster here.....Im now on my 11th day with joye510s. Being new, I didnt know how much juice I would initially need, I ordered a 10ml bottle of Marl 24mg from with my startup kit...I was out of juice on day 5 because I had no idea what the heck I was doing...dripping, filling carts, over filling, SPILLING...I was completely ......ed to all of this!! I figured this was the longest I'd gone without a real smoke, I wasnt going to go back NOW!!! So I went 2 days without any nicotine at all and it was driving me nuts, and my wife and kids were about to force me to smoke just to stop me from being such an irritable ....., but I so badly didnt want to give up and figured my new juice would arrive soon didnt. I HAD to cave in. I work in a night club in Louisiana, and smoking is allowed in bars and there was just no way I could make it through a shift without SOMETHING to stop me from killing someone!! So I bought a pack of cigs and enjoyed them through the guilt. The next day, my juice arrived and I was like a kid on Christmas morning...filled up and vaped with enthusiasm!!! Then, right away, it hit me....the cigs were nice because I needed something, but the flavor of the vape was SOO much better all of a sudden!!! Could it be??? Do I actually like vaping MORE than smoking???? I do indeed. I was not expecting this at ALL...I figured it would passify me, it would be better than trying to go cold turkey for the billionth time and failing again...but I never EVER expected to PREFER IT over real cigs!!! This is amazing to me! I still have the unfinished pack just incase I screw up and let myself run out of juice again, but NOW, the real cigs are actually the pacifier...they are what I will settle for when I cant vape, and to be honest....I may not even smoke them if I DO rin out of juice again...because now, just THINKING about smoking one kind of nauseates me.
Ive figured out all of the quirks about whether I prefer dripping over cart filling, when to fill, etc...and Im also not vaping as much as I seemed to for the first couple of days. At first it seemed like I was continuously sucking on these things non-stop...but that has drasticly tapered off now. Ive also prepared myself well enough NOT to run short of anything again...I bought a 3rd 510 just incase I cant charge a dead battery soon enough, and will keep an extra bottle of juice at all times as back up. I will soon be ordering a portable charging case. Getting all of the equipment together is kinda costly, but once Im set, I figure I'll be saving about $150 a month when comparing costs to smoking analogs!!! $150 a month aint nuttin' ta sneeze at, baby!!!
Im sure that the veterans of this site hardly ever read this board, but I owe a large thanks to this forum for all of the info and suggestions found here.
Thanks for letting a newby get his first post in!!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 22, 2010
Dallas, TX
Congrats Rog and continuing good luck on your journey!

Only one thing you have wrong...........the veterans DO troll this part of the forum quite regularly.....I feel I owe it to these wonderful devices, and these wonderful people to stop in here for a while every time I come on here..sometimes I seem to just stay here as I enjoy seeing others - seeing the light as I did.



Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2010
Colorado Springs, CO
Congratulations BigDaddy...isn't that epiphany moment great? When you realize you WON'T got back to smoking cause it SUCKS! I walk past smokers now, and I gag at the smell. My daughter made a comment to me about being a hypocrite, cause I've smelled like that her entire life...I had to agree, and apologized to her right then and there for having smelled like that, and subjecting her to it all her life.

Welcome to the VAPING SIDE!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 24, 2010
Slidell, LA
Yep!! BigDaddy, I don't node wether ernot i'd call myself a vetern uf E-Smok'n as I've been at it fer a year now! but I luf to read stories like ers! best uf lucks to ya!!....Hecknaw
Hecknaw...yallz iz a Florduh folk....yore near'bout redneck az Im iz!!!:p Glad to see these boards have a sense of humor, and thanks for the luck!!
Congrats Rog and continuing good luck on your journey!

Only one thing you have wrong...........the veterans DO troll this part of the forum quite regularly.....I feel I owe it to these wonderful devices, and these wonderful people to stop in here for a while every time I come on here..sometimes I seem to just stay here as I enjoy seeing others - seeing the light as I did.

Its great to know the vets are keeping a guiding eye on us beginners, thanks so much!!

congratulations! I've been off analogs for 4 days now, last night decided to have an analog, just to see if it was any different, HATED it. Will never do it again.

vaping FTMFW!
Congrats to YOU!!

Congratulations BigDaddy...isn't that epiphany moment great? When you realize you WON'T got back to smoking cause it SUCKS! I walk past smokers now, and I gag at the smell. My daughter made a comment to me about being a hypocrite, cause I've smelled like that her entire life...I had to agree, and apologized to her right then and there for having smelled like that, and subjecting her to it all her life.

Welcome to the VAPING SIDE!
Haaa...."the VAPING SIDE"....I like that! Makes me feel like Darth Vapor:blush:

Alot of the folks I work with have been going crazy curious about this (I think the bright blue L.E.D. light really catches peoples eye) and many of them are asking for drags off of it(which Im NOT real crazy about the germ transfer possibility since Im a DJ in a strip club!!!) to see what its like because Im the LAST person theyd ever expect to be able to quit smoking. I tend to chain smoke at work...or DID, anyway. Its getting alot of attention, and the tobacco companies may have a real competitor on their hands very soon, because i have a feeling this is going to blow up. I need to look into some ecig stock NOW while its low!!!:2cool:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 21, 2010
I know that feeling of not wanting those nasty analogs anymore! I'm pretty new to this myself and like you I didn't stock up well to start with... I ran out of juice and had a day before my next order would be in so I picked up an analog...I didn't want to but needed that nicotine! It was so yucky....

I never thought I would enjoy vaping this much but so far it's incredible! Good luck to you!! :toast:


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2010
Congrats BigDaddy............vapeing is a miracle for a lot of us who've smoked most of our lives. The one thing I do feel uncomfortable about is people wanting to "try" my pv. The germ factor is stuck in my mind. I really want them to try a pv just not mine ;) I have let a few people I KNOW try it but that's it. I guess we could start carrying alcohol pads in our to go kits for those occasions :D


CASAA Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2010
Norfolk, Virginia, USA
Congratulations Big Daddy. I too quickly found that I preferred using a pv over cigarettes. I still have twenty or so cigarettes sitting in an air tight jar within reach of where I'm typing. I figure one day I might fire one up just to see how bad it tastes. I never intended to totally quit when I started with my 510. It just happened within about a week's time. I graduated to an eGo a few weeks ago and am lovin' the pv life. Welcome aboard!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 7, 2009
Big Daddy just remember that we were all beginners at one point and soon you will be an experienced vaper. The foundation of this forum it to help and encourage new vapers to get the most out of their equipment so they reach that moment of epiphany and realize they are smoke free. Before you know it somebody will be asking a question and you will have the answer. Congratulations on your success over tobacco and welcome to the forum.


Captain Tightpants
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 2, 2009
Congrats, BigDaddyRog, and welcome to the ECF. You will find that we have a great community here with lots of very helpful folks who will bend over backwards to help you out if you have questions or problems. I'm amazed every day at the wonderful people who frequent these forums.

Hopefully this is just one small step in a much healthier journey for you. :)
i echo big daddy's thoughts. i am new to this and found a lot of useful info on this site. i am sold on vaping over the non-fliter cigs i used to smoke, all the smokers i know are very interested in it has well so i send them here. a big thank you to all of you that keep this site going and have posted some amazing recourses on here, especially links to trusted vender's. thank god, i was so afraid to order any pv online in till i saw those links. again thank you for sharing your knowledge with us noobs.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 6, 2010
I would like to add my thanks as well, to all of the regs here who have spent so much time creating and posting so much great information for us newbies. It was lurking and reading this forum for several days that convinced me that vaping will work for ME too!

I actually enjoy smoking very much, it is really the health concerns that are beginning to scare me to the point of actually getting serious about quitting. I am now waiting for my "starter supplies" to arrive, and am so excited to get started vaping.

I would normally have also been very concerned about ordering a system like this from an unknown online vendor, but with the vendor recommendations that I found here, I felt that I knew the staff at V4L before I even placed my order. I read their forum and saw the excellent customer service that they provide, and read all of the testimonial posts, and feel very confident in the company and the product.

I have never before approached quitting with such a positive and excited attitude. I cannot thank you all enough!
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