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Huge Thank you

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Full Member
Feb 9, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Thank you very much to the person that sent me the list. I fell off the e-wagon about 8 months ago and decided to get back on. All my juices have an off taste by now. Well to my suprise things have really changed in such a short time. So many of my old venders are gone or not selling nic juice anymore. Almost gave up and decided to keep on with my old bad habit. Thanks to you all on this site I am going to now get an order out, try a new e-cig (if I can figure out which one to get.) My old one is a ego T but I would like to get one with more power and something to hold more juice. I think I got frustrated filling so often. And as I work outside a lot that is not always convenient. MY how I do go on. Anyway thank you everyone for all the great info that is at my fingertips. :banana:


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Mar 20, 2011
Temcula CA
So much exciting stuff going on. Consider looking at a variable volt device like the Provari or Vmax. Also look into a tank system and you will experience a new level ofF vaping that should keep you of analogs for good! Welcome!

Of course the important thing will be finding a device that works best for you. Part of the fun is exploring devices and juice on ECF!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 3, 2009
Perth, Ontario
Glad to see you made it back :) I too left vaping ( see jion date ) and have only been back for about 4ish months and the difference in hardware, choices, and juice vendor options is pretty "awesome sauce".

If I can give any advice, it would be to post in here with any and all questions, if I did that the first time I might have stayed with it and not given up with frustration. There are a lot of friendly and helpful people here more than willing to spend as much time with you as need to make sure you get and stay happily vaping.


Super Member
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Oct 27, 2011
If you work outside a lot, you probably want to look for more of the indestructible mods and slap a carto tank on there and you should be golden to vape all day with one setup and not have to worry about changing it. My setup is a Silver Bullet with a Phiniac tank and all parts of it would be long lasting a durable for your situation. My setup is not the only option though. Take a look at the Gripper and the Roughstack for durability as well (Slohand has pictures of them here: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/canada-forum/269886-show-your-canadian-setups-6.html ). A bottom feeder like the Vmod could be a good choice for you to take out with you too as it is compact like the Gripper.

Best of luck looking through all of the options available to you now and let us know what you get :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
Welcome back! This is the reason I maintain those lists (and created the hardware list). It's hard to keep track of everything and if you leave the scene for a while, it can be hard to know where to go or what to get when you're trying to get back on that (arab) horse, so to speak. The lists help make that easier, and even those of us who are still in the game get use out of it to see what's new and who's got it.

I fell off the wagon myself for a few months between the end of 2010 and first few months of 2011 because I was still rather new and didn't understand what was going on. After coming back though over a year ago I found my stride and have gone full barrel ever since. The right hardware and juice can make all the difference, and with how much and how quickly things have changed even since I started there's so much more choice now that you're almost guaranteed to find things you like and that will keep you vaping and off the tobacco.

I'd also recommend a nice tank system and a variable voltage device. Even a 1000mAh eGo-C Twist would be a great choice coupled with a small DCT -- compact, ligthweight, battery life enough to last you most if not all day, might have to refill once during the day depending on how much you go through. But if you don't mind a beefier PV (and have some extra cash to spare) then by all means, check out a ProVari, Darwin, VMax, or Lava Tube 2.0. They'll get you there, wherever "there" is. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Aug 28, 2010
Toronto, ON
Thank you everyone for all the advice. All this information is rather overwhelming and as I was just using the ego and liked it I am going to try the ego c with twist and maybe a Phiniac??. I will see how that goes and as money is no problem (anything to stay off stinkies) I will try a mod of some kind.

The Phiniac is a good choice. It's sturdy and should be able to withstand the rigors of frequent outdoor use. Put it on a good sturdy device and you'll be all set. :)
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