Just a quick hello from a new member

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Hi folks!

Joined this forums and just wanted to say hi. I'm not new to vaping, I've kicked smoking analogs about half a year ago. It was quite a journey to say the least, but it turned out great. My first experience with vaping was a couple of years ago. The market wasn't as mature as it is today, so I bought one of those cig-like starter sets with the idea that it'd be the best alternative due to the similar shape and form compared to regular cigs. Oh boy, was I wrong. Vapor production was very disappointing and the capacity of the batteries was terrible.

Decided to give vaping another run about half a year later and bought another (yet somewhat larger) cig-like e-cig. It was from Joyetech if my memory serves me right. It was somewhat better but still not enough to quit smoking analogs all together. Quick jump forward and as a final attempt to give vaping another shot, I finally made the right choice to drop the urge for trying to make my e-cig look like an analog. I bought the iStick 30W. It was a great nifty device. I had finally found an e-cig that made me actually believe I could quit smoking. Before the iStick that was something I just couldn't wrap my head around. It's strange how strong an addiction can influence your mind. Held on to my two beloved analogs for after diner and breakfast for about a month, but then quit tobacco all together.

Few months ago my iStick began having minor issues like a reduced battery capacity, so I opted for a Pioneer4You IPV D2 with a Aspire Nautilus Mini. Powerful and stealthy device in a very sexy black color, I love it.

Looking forward to posting here! :)


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David Wolf

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Dec 11, 2014
Charlotte, NC
Hi folks!

Joined this forums and just wanted to say hi. I'm not new to vaping, I've kicked smoking analogs about half a year ago. It was quite a journey to say the least, but it turned out great. My first experience with vaping was a couple of years ago. The market wasn't as mature as it is today, so I bought one of those cig-like starter sets with the idea that it'd be the best alternative due to the similar shape and form compared to regular cigs. Oh boy, was I wrong. Vapor production was very disappointing and the capacity of the batteries was terrible.

Decided to give vaping another run about half a year later and bought another (yet somewhat larger) cig-like e-cig. It was from Joyetech if my memory serves me right. It was somewhat better but still not enough to quit smoking analogs all together. Quick jump forward and as a final attempt to give vaping another shot, I finally made the right choice to drop the urge for trying to make my e-cig look like an analog. I bought the iStick 30W. It was a great nifty device. I had finally found an e-cig that made me actually believe I could quit smoking. Before the iStick that was something I just couldn't wrap my head around. It's strange how strong an addiction can influence your mind. Held on to my two beloved analogs for after diner and breakfast for about a month, but then quit tobacco all together.

Few months ago my iStick began having minor issues like a reduced battery capacity, so I opted for a Pioneer4You IPV D2 with a Aspire Nautilus Mini. Powerful and stealthy device in a very sexy black color, I love it.

Looking forward to posting here! :)
Welcome! Sorry to hear of your Istick 30w issue. I have two usually with nautilus mini's or GS Air tanks on them. So far all ok and excellent battery life. Your IPV D2 sounds interesting I would like a stealthier device so just might look into that!
Thanks everyone! And welcome @Gatuex .

Hi and welcome! Glad to see you've found a good device! It's a journey and once you find a good device and flavorful juice it becomes more enjoyable than cigarettes. :thumb:
I'm already having a blast with exploring different juices from vendors and trying them out. I think my favourite at the moment is English Garden Party from Alchemy. It is a complex flavour, so I'll just copy the taste description from their website:

Embrace the summer with this timeless English classic. Ripe strawberry sweetness cooled by notes of cucumber and mint, with orange and lemonade providing a lively citrus sparkle.

Green lawns bathed in sunshine, the sausages crackling on the barbeque, a cold crisp glass of white, good company…and this. The perfect vape for a summer’s day, English Garden Party is ripe with the flavours of a typical English garden. Serene sweet strawberry is refreshed by the cucumber and cooled by the mint, with an added summer buzz coming from the tangy orange and lemonade. This is a real crowd-pleaser of an e-liquid.


Hello and welcome to the forum @Eustace. Glad to have you here!:)

Met a new member from Amsterdam yesterday, @Medelijden. He/she posted yesterday in the Nederlands Forum.

Here is the thread: Slowchat voor alle Nederlandstaligen | E-Cigarette Forum

Once you have 5 posts (replys count) and the servers update at :25 past the hour you will be free to post in other areas.
Thanks, I'll definitely check it out!

Hello and welcome!
Hello there my fellow Dutchie! :2cool:

Welcome! Sorry to hear of your Istick 30w issue. I have two usually with nautilus mini's or GS Air tanks on them. So far all ok and excellent battery life. Your IPV D2 sounds interesting I would like a stealthier device so just might look into that!
The reduced battery capacity from my iStick was a great factor in wanting a device with a removable battery. But when I received my IPV D2 it was so much more than I bargained for, I'm really liking it. I'm not really into sub ohming and such, but it's definitely nice to have a device that is future proof for if I decide to explore more options like DIY wicking and temperature control.
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