Liberty Flights "Smooth Tobacco"

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Funk Dracula

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Jun 7, 2013
Liberty Flights "Smooth tobacco"
50/50 PG/VG.
USA made, exclusively for Liberty Flights.
"Locally sourced" flavorings.
$3.74 for a 5ml bottle.
Reviewed strength = 18mg

Liberty Flight's "Smooth tobacco" caught me somewhat off guard, as typically I associate "smooth tobacco's" to having some creaminess and sweetness to them. Instead, I was surprised when what I tasted upon first inhale was a jar full of Potpourri.

This is definitely one of those tobacco's where the tobacco flavor takes the back seat along for the ride. Both inhale, and exhale have extremely prominent floral notes, more specifically Potpourri with slightly spicy note of fennel seed. The strongest tobacco flavor that I could notice came from the scent of my drip tip, but alas the flavor was very muted in the actual vapor, tho it was subtly present.

I found this "tobacco" will probably need some concentrated flavor additives to make it worthy of committing to a cartomizer or a tank, especially if your looking to toot on anything resembling a tobacco flavor. For sure IMO, as it vapes out of the bottle, this is one for dripping atty's only. I think adding a few drops of a stronger, more bitter tobacco concentrate, along with a few drops of sweetener concentrate of a darker note such as a chocolate, a black cherry, or a honey/brown sugar will go a long way in transforming it's overwhelming floral flavor to something you can vape on longer and commit to a tank.

But I wouldn't go there, because, for what it is; this flavor makes a truly fantastic pairing with a cup of Chamomile tea. I mean, this juice almost seemed to be made to pair with a floral tea at the end of the day. In this regard, I personally think this juice is worthy of having on hand for an occasional dripping atty treat, or to offer a guest if you find yourself making tea instead of coffee.

The vapor production is lackluster, or "thin" I should say. The throat hit is very light, almost non-existent, but that's okay for what this juice is turning out to be appropriate for. (relaxing, feminine) I was expecting smooth flavor; but as it turns out the "smooth" in Liberty Flights Smooth Tobacco comes in it's no throat hit impact.

I found two distinct sweet spots to vape this juice at on a 2.2 Ohm atty. 3.7-4.0 Volts gave me a more aromatic, floral, smooth and cool toot. Nicely flavored. 4.7-5.2 Volts brought out as much tobacco influence and throat hit that could be coaxed out of this juice. Going higher became increasingly unpleasant, and began to burn the flavors out of existence.

This flavor, maybe in some situations, might be a decent option to fill a cartomizer up on if your looking for something to vape in public with a very non-offensive, fresh and flowery scent. Certainly a public vaping flavor for the ladies; not so sure for the gents.

If your looking for a tobacco, look elsewhere. If what I described above seems appealing to you to have a small 5ml bottle of it in your arsenal; go for it. I think some may feel the flowery scent will be huge turn off, because after awhile it can also remind you of some bathroom air fresheners. Also, I feel if it were any more fragrant and a bit more "baby powdery/musky" this would flat out be like smoking the classic "Old Spice" cologne.

I feel it's a little pricey and misleading @ $3.74 for a tiny bottle of it. But when my bottle runs dry, and I find myself missing it as a pairing with some tea (which I maybe drink three times a month at most,) I just may find myself ordering another bottle. Only time will tell.



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