mt3 doesn't like straight pg juice? or is it my battery?

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Full Member
Mar 12, 2013
San Francisco, CA
Hey guys I'm running a mt3 on an addison green machine battery (An Ego clone I guess?) And when I ran my kiwi juice from vapor den in Berkeley Ca. It wasn't very flavorful and was really scratchy. so I switched it out for some vaporall green apple and seem to have a better flavor. It's also vg/pg blend. So I just want to know, does the mt3's not like straight pv juices, or is it my battery running things too hot or not hot enough. The packaging on the green machine said to use pg vg juices. But I figured thats because of the clearo it came with or am I wrong??? Here's a pic of my setup in case you wanted to see it.
IMAG0037.jpg IMAG0038.jpg
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