My DIY Experiments

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Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I'm very slow about experimenting, especially with tobaccos because they have to steep so long. This will give me a place to put it all together. And people to answer to, to help keep me on track.

First, my tried and true. TPA Tiramisu and TPA Root Beer Float, I've moved these down to 5% to avoid coil gunking. I started at 10%; but, I kept having to add unflavored to thin it down after a while. So 5% it is.

I did try some other things quite a while back (5 years or so back). The discontinued TPA tobacco Blend and TPA DK tobacco are good and have been used a lot. FA 7 Leaves is ok, just not on a regular basis. FA Camtel was horrible. I can't remember what else I tried back in those days except for Caramel, which I hated. Other people seem to like it. So, maybe I should try it again sometime.

I did try a Peppermint Recipe also (which was pretty good):
3% Peppermint
1% Dulce de Leche
1% Vanilla Custard

More recently, I've been mixing fruit flavors for my sister and finally started experimenting again.

Starting with Lucky Shot, Lotta Latte, and a combination of the two. I could no longer resist the rave reviews. I haven't tried the combo yet. But, I do agree that the 2 individual blends are very good.

I most recently mixed up:
MikeADore's Palate Cleanser: Peppermint (5%) and Koolada (2%)
FranC's ADV: 4% TFA Blackberry, 3% TFA Peppermint (subbed Capella), 1% TFA Menthol
16 tobacco flavors

I've just tried one of the tobacco flavors out of my most recent, Old Captain. So far, I like it.

Ok. That's my start. Will update later.


Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
I got in my small order from LNW: Inawera Cactus and Shisha Gingerbread and Purilum Butter Mint and Sweet Tobacco.

I'll save the Cactus for later. It's supposedly a good additive to other flavors to make them taste wetter/juicier.

I mixed little samples of the other 3. So, later.

I still really like the Old Captain.

Just need to remember that I accidentally mixed the Sweet Tobacco at 5% instead of 3% (my usual tobacco percentage).
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Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Uh oh! I mixed plastic 30 ml of something a week or two ago. I did not label it!

The last thing I remember mixing 30 ml of was Old Captain. I liked the tester so I made a bigger batch. But, I just took a look at stuff I had already mixed and found a 30 ml glass bottle of Old Captain.

So, what's in the 30 ml plastic bottle?! I came here hoping to find a clue. But, no clue.

I just checked. They smell the same. Could I have mixed the same thing a second time, forgetting that I had already done it?

A lot of good keeping track here is doing me!
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Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Vape it, you may be able to figure it out (the downside being, that if you LOVE it but can't figure it out.... :( ) Good luck figuring it out!

I do all my mixing in a notebook. I did that after journaling online on a site for a long time, and then it fell apart... Had not saved my journals anywhere. LOL, my brother told me, "Anna, I don't know why you ever thought... even for a second.... that anything on the internet is permanent."

Yeah, well I will tell you what DID seem to be permanent, my college drunken rantings on a site called alt.angst in which I used my (real) maiden name. They were from decades ago, but are still the main thing that pop up in a search engine when searching under my maiden name. I was really happy to have my name changed when I got married (for job purposes).

Oh, there's nothing wrong with them necessarily, but I don't need my scary adventures with squirrel, or musing about how buying a sandwich drunk cause me angst about my life. I mean.... I think it shows I make great (maybe) "friendship" material, but I wouldn't want to hire MYSELF based on those postings, LOL.

I hope you get it figure out @DancingHeretik , or that you just hate the mix, if you can't figure it out. That one would slay me.... LOL.



Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Vape it, you may be able to figure it out (the downside being, that if you LOVE it but can't figure it out.... :( ) Good luck figuring it out!
Well, it seems to smell the same as the glass 30 ml of Old Captain. So, I think I figured it out. We'll know for sure after it steeps a few more weeks.
I do all my mixing in a notebook. I did that after journaling online on a site for a long time, and then it fell apart... Had not saved my journals anywhere. LOL, my brother told me, "Anna, I don't know why you ever thought... even for a second.... that anything on the internet is permanent."
I had tried a DIY notebook a few years ago. But, I wasn't reliable enough about using it. I can't even find it anymore. It had a bunch of stuff in it.

I guess I need to start a new notebook, but do it differently this time. Choose a spiral instead of a composition book (easier to work with). And, label the hell out of it so it doesn't end up in the hands of one of my grandkids. Big pictures/labels covering the entire front and back. Lastly, keep it close by where I can find it (right in my face) when I need it.

That's the ticket!
Yeah, well I will tell you what DID seem to be permanent, my college drunken rantings on a site called alt.angst in which I used my (real) maiden name. They were from decades ago, but are still the main thing that pop up in a search engine when searching under my maiden name. I was really happy to have my name changed when I got married (for job purposes).
I once bought the domain name of my real name. It seemed like a cool idea. Then I realized that I would never ever use it.

I don't use my real name anywhere on the internet. I use FB to keep up with what family members are doing and snag pictures of grandkids that they post. They all use their REAL names!


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2017
Yep me neither.

I don't understand all this "real name" FB stuff anyway, it's not a cute site, it's not riddled with social funnenesss, people on there are often bitter, argumentative, and child molesters. I don't much care for an app that cares more about what ads should "stalk me" than taking some rather basic, safety precautions. I had to leave for my own peace of mind. It's a shame, since it used to be alright for keeping up with old pals, but you know, prior to the SOCIETY of the INTERNET, well, I am afraid perhaps I am a social pariah, but do I really need to know what my ex-fiancé is doing and etc. ??? I used that platform to "make my amends" and then hastily made sure I never interacted with said person again. Seeing how HS pals turned out was kind of fun. But ultimately, I'm not in HS anymore, and my best friend from HS told me to get an abortion or she would never speak to me again. Since she introduced me to smoking and some other stuff (despite my consent or desire, some of it) I kind of figured.... "I believe I will NOT take that advice." Sometimes people are in your life for a short time for a REASON. LOL.

Yep, new last name and aliases on the internet. Oh, I have no DOUBT that the government (and possibly certain scary hackers) could find me, but are they going to bother? They haven't yet, and I've done plenty of bad stuff in the past so.... Anonymity is such a lovely thing.

If someone gets obsessed enough to track me down, well, depending on who it is, I don't have to worry, I will be dead/victorious one or the other... LOL.



Dancing in the Chaos
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
The most recent experiments that I tested are FW Latakia and Inawera Shisha Gingerbread.

The Latakia is a very mild simple tobacco flavor. I mixed it at 3%.

The Gingerbread is strange. I kind of taste the ginger. But, it's more of a sharp feeling than a taste. No bread taste at all. I mixed it at 5%. I don't know if I should try it at a higher percentage next time or if I should mix it with the Capella Gingerbread I also have. Hmmmm. Decisions, decisions.
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