My VaperCon experience so far....

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Jan 26, 2011
Shayol Ghul, The Great Blight
So, VaperCon is about a 50 minute drive from me, and I left around 1pm today. I got down there, and as soon as it opened I bolted to the Clouds of Vapor booth and picked myself up the LAST Golden Greek device they had, which was a GGTB. If you're not aware of what a GGTB is, it can use(didn't come with it though, I don't care wouldn't have used it anyways) a telescoping battery insert(Not the body itself) that is thinner than an 18650 mod(uses 17670 batts), but otherwise looks similar to a GGTS with the pinky button and all. This is perfect as I have been in need of a 3.7v device that is small and slim to easily slip in my pocket to take to work, and this thing is perfect! I was originally going to see if AltSmoke brought any BB's and check em out(the BB is actually a hair bigger even though it's a 14500 PV) but right before it opened I got this sudden whim to rush to the COV booth and I am SO glad I did! Compact and very classy, I need to get a penelope for it!


It is absolutely beautiful and feels great in the hand. The button is smooth, the threads are even better than my Provari, and it feels great, I just need to pick up some batts that fit it, it fits perfectly in the pocket like I said.

I also picked myself up a 30mL bottle of Clouds of Vapor's CPN Butterscotch, a Kick for my Silver Bullet, 2 HH..357's, a white delrin ming to match my white Provari, 2 LR306 atomizers, a new XL 306 drip tip(I threw mine away and started using a 306 cover I drilled out because the tip I had was too loose and wouldn't stay on and was really short and burned my mouth really bad), 2 35mL bottles of Hot Vapes Hazelnut Praline juice, 1 30mL bottle of the infamus GrimmGreen and TheVapeBabe's Namber Juice in Atlanta Peach Leaf, 4 10mL bottles of Rawr's Poison and JY4, 10mL Gourmet Vapers Frisco Kid(tobacco, vanilla, caramel and hazelnut I believe?), 10mL Gourmet Vapers Maiden Coffee and a free 5mL sample of a brand i'd never heard of called NicQuid's Sublime, which is a lemon/lime mixture I haven't tried out yet.

I ended up leaving early for the day since I wasn't feeling all that great and i've only had 2 days off work in the last 2 and a half weeks(uggh) and I decided to come home and get some sleep so my batteries are freshly charged tomorrow and i'm all juiced up and ready to go(hah, get it?!) if I decide to go back tomorrow (I am extremly exhausted and haven't decided if i'm going to go back tomorrow for the long haul or rest up). Got to meet a lot of awesome people like GrimmGreen that I have been watching videos of for most of my vaping career, try excellent juices and buy some sweet stuff. I can't wait to get some 17670 batts and fire this GGTB up! What a fun day!


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Jan 26, 2011
Shayol Ghul, The Great Blight
Oh, and one of the HH.357's I picked up is red and looks AWESOME on my silver bullet!


BTW, The Namber Juice is amazing, and it's cool to have GrimmGreen's own juice, I feel like I own a piece of vaping history LOL. He was actually vaping the Atlanta Peach Leaf and lent me his tank to taste it, mmmmmm!
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Oh how it saddens me that I am stuck on the west coast. I have been bummed out for a week thinking I was going to be able to swing it, yet do to a bureaucratic fustercluck, I vape alone:(

Anybody know of a live podcast or anything?

Live video podcast tommorrow (Sat) @ 6pm


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Jan 26, 2011
Shayol Ghul, The Great Blight
Oh man you're in for a treat. I'm loving this Namber Juice. Peach + Tobacco = WIN! I had never tried RAWR's Poison before today either and I think I may have found a new all day vape. :thumbs: The chicks handing out the free NicQuid samples didn't inform me that the juice they gave me was not just lemon-lime, but lemon-lime with a punch you in the face menthol kick. Totally threw me off my game and I didn't know what the heck to think about it.


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Jan 26, 2011
Shayol Ghul, The Great Blight
I've barely touched my DUD since getting the HH's and 306s. If these HH's last as long as people say they do than I would gladly spend 22 bucks on another one, because they really do hit amazingly, and I haven't even broken them in yet for the full flavor benefit. :D

I didn't see Hanna there at the Avid booth, just Cisco and some younger guy I didn't recognize. Cisco is a really, really cool dude, btw.


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Aug 22, 2012
North Eastern Pennsylvania
I've barely touched my DUD since getting the HH's and 306s. If these HH's last as long as people say they do than I would gladly spend 22 bucks on another one, because they really do hit amazingly, and I haven't even broken them in yet for the full flavor benefit. :D

I didn't see Hanna there at the Avid booth, just Cisco and some younger guy I didn't recognize. Cisco is a really, really cool dude, btw.

How long have you had your HH for? Had mine for 2 weeks, It took a crap last night :( I didn't write Hanna yet because I figured he would be at VaperCon.


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Jan 26, 2011
Shayol Ghul, The Great Blight
I just picked them up today. I placed an order a few days ago with instructions to pick up there and Cisco brought it for me all packaged up already. I'm pretty sure Hanna is there, when I wrote Avid a few weeks ago about pre ordering so they would bring the stuff I wanted to VaperCon Jessica said they would both be there, and i'm sure he wouldn't miss it. He was probably off wandering around somewhere.


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Aug 22, 2012
North Eastern Pennsylvania
Your going to LOVE them!
They really don't pick up (in my case) for about a week, after that its VAPER time! Lol I drip as much as I can, when the 357 finally started performing it looked like I was smoking again in my house lol. I was getting that haze late afternoon from the sun coming through the windows.

I just picked them up today. I placed an order a few days ago with instructions to pick up there and Cisco brought it for me all packaged up already. I'm pretty sure Hanna is there, when I wrote Avid a few weeks ago about pre ordering so they would bring the stuff I wanted to VaperCon Jessica said they would both be there, and i'm sure he wouldn't miss it. He was probably off wandering around somewhere.


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Aug 22, 2012
North Eastern Pennsylvania
lol soo lucky, I was on avid the other day and saw they finally had colors in the long barrels, but were all out of them except black which I have/had lol
Yeah they're already fog machines now as they are (I got a red standard size 1.5ohm and a silver long barrel 3ohm) so I can't wait to see what they are like once they break in.


Ultra Member
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Jan 26, 2011
Shayol Ghul, The Great Blight
Oh yeah it was, the place was packed. Some dude was telling me they had to turn away vendors since there wasn't enough room for them all and that they were looking for a bigger place for next year. The room looked like it was filled with fog machines, there was just a huge general haze of hundreds of PVs firing off at once, haha, it was awesome.

I wish I hadn't worked so many shifts in the last 3 weeks or i'd still be there now but i've barely had a day off in weeks and I was just too exhausted to be around people anymore. Adrenaline from being so excited was the only thing that kept me going this morning but once that wore off I was done for, haha. Depending on how I feel tomorrow I may ride back down. I'm just going to play it by ear. I probably shouldn't because my wallet is already hurting and I know if I go back tomorrow it's going to take another beating...
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