New from europe! :)

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New Member
Mar 26, 2013
23 year,male from holland :)

Been smoking for 7 years now. Friend of mine was at a party last week and had his ego ce4 with him
so I decided to give it a try. Manmanman I was amazed! never tried an ecig before!

So, now I'm here on the forum trying to read everything about ecigs but I still need to learn a lot!

I'm willing to spend around 60 euros on the thing, I am pretty good in fixing things and stuff so a diy shouldn't be a problem.

but I'm stuck at what I should take! and I dont really understand what the difference is between clearomizers,cartomizers and such :(.

I dont want to be changing new coils or smth every week. and also would like to know some good EU suppliers

I'm a PAD smoker by the way!
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