New Here...Hello and a Question

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I have been reading this forum for about 2 months, researching and trying to learn before I jumped into the vaping society. I also ordered a 510, carts, juice, extra atomiser(in addition to the 2 that came with my starter pack), etc. I am still learning and also, I am still at a loss.:confused:

I have read the many tips and 'formulas' for mixing. I am a heavy analog smoker...anywhere from 25-40 a day. I have found that my 11mg juice doesn't do anything...I vape myself like crazy. On the other side, the 36mg chokes me!...If i mix and make 18mg, it still makes me want to cough. I know a lot of it is trial and error, but Im at a loss here. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Jun 27, 2009
Mentor, OH
Well i dunno if this applies to everyone, but it does take some trial an error. But also vaping takes a lot to get used to as well. My friends and I had to take about a week to get used to vaping. It used to kinda choke me out at first as well. Now though, vaping is smooth and amazing. I can take on monster hits, even off of 36mg even though my regular vaping is a 24mg.
When I first started vaping a couple of weeks ago, a 8mg cart made me cough sometimes. It also did nothing for the cravings, so I went higher, and I still cough if I inhale too much. Honestly, I think it has to do with the way you inhale, so you have to be mindful of that. Maybe some more experienced members have some input. XD


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Jul 1, 2009
Columbia, LA
It may also have something to do with how long of a drag you are taking. I've heard other vapers talk about the 5 second pull - I timed mine and I am averaging 2 to 3 seconds per pull. This may also be why I don't seem to use as much juice as the others here say they use. I use an average of 12mg juice. I find that the 18 and 24 are just a little strong for me. I like to vape a lot (meaning often), so the short puffs and lower nic makes me feel better.


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I was also a heavy smoker like greeneyes and ordered some 18mg juice with my kit. I have been vaping for about a day and a half and have to watch how much I do it or I get a little buzz. I smoked between 25-35 analogs a day. After my first day vaping at work I have cut my analog use by a little more than half. I suggest just trying different strengths until you find whats right. Just don't give up. I think that vaping may finally be the thing to break my 23 year stretch of smoking. Good luck to you!


    Supporting Member
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    Jan 30, 2009
    Des Moines, IA
    When I first started vaping, I vaped continuously, non-stop. And since I had been a heavy smoker (2+ packs a day), I figured I'd need a high nicotine concentration. I managed to make myself feel pretty awful after a few days of vaping high nic non-stop--headaches, cramps, and upset tummy. :(

    What worked for me was to vape with a low or medium concentration . . . and then when a serious craving for a cigarette hit me, I'd spike my cartridge with a couple of drops of a high nicotine solution.

    For many of us, the addiction with smoking isn't just about the nicotine . . . it's also about the habit of smoking itself, whether it's keeping your hands busy or the hand-to-mouth habit, or whatever. If that's the case with you, you may find yourself pretty well satisfied vaping at a lower level nicotine solution with occasional spikings of high nicotine to chase off the cravings.


    Ultra Member
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    Feb 6, 2009
    Down South, USA.
    Hi Greeneyes, Hi Julie, like Zestok said it can take a couple of weeks to get use to vapor instead of smoke. Stick with it. 18mg was good for me for a few weeks but then I had to go to 24mg then 36mg to get enough nocotine. Now I'm cutting down slowly from 36mg back to 24mg. Hope to get to zero in 2 years, lol. I'm in no hurry.

    Don't feel bad if you still have a cigarette or 2 each day for a while until you get the taste for the vapor. It is totally worth it.
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    Ultra Member
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    Jun 27, 2009
    Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
    Greemeyes-- Are you drawing directly into your lungs or drawing a mouthful and then inhaling? When I first started vaping I would cough like crazy if I tried to draw into my lungs, but get a nice smooth hit with no coughing if I draw into my mouth and inhale from there. It does take practice, but it is SO worth it.
    Hi to everyone...and Thank you so much for all of the input! I will apologize in advance for this being very lengthy.

    I have both the 36mg and the 11mg...also some VG and some flavoring. I started first by just using the prefilled carts that came with my titan. Most of that time, the vape went pretty smoothly but couldnt get a 'fix' with the low mg's. That's whenever I ordered the 36mg and ohhh wow haha! well I immediately ordered the 11mg knowing I was going to have to work with some numbers until I found a happy medium. I have mixed some liquid making carts with 18.8 mg and also some with 14mg and trying both to see if I get closer to what makes me 'happy happy'....

    Meanwhile, Ive still not retired the analogs completely. I felt if I took them completely away, especially whenever the vaping process is still in the works, then I would psychologically freak myself out Like a Oh NO theyre All Gone!...Dont know if thats the best way considering some just quit analogs immediately, but I dont do well Knowing something I have loved so long is taken away from me all at guess I will do like some of the others have done and just let my vaping move the analogs out of the way.

    I still have several questions about some other things and am trying to read the forums for info before I start posting questions that have already been answered...dont wanna be a silly newb If I do post, just bear with me.

    Also...Moonflame....I have been practicing the draw hold and inhale method which is so different than analog smoking and yesss it is smoother! I had read that before at different places on the forum and Thank you for reminding me to do that....because even if I 'know'...I still forget sometimes...guess old smoking habits are really difficult to break in many ways!

    dqdn88...Congrats! and keep up the great work!
    hittman...thank you and best of luck to you also! sounds like you are doing great!


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 27, 2009
    Smith Mt Lake area, Va, USA
    I freaked out today that my son had taken my emergency pack of cigs I had stashed in the freezer in case all of my equipment failed the same day. I resisted buying another pack, but I think I'd be happier just knowing they're in there. I don't want to smoke them, the thought of the taste now makes me a little sick to my stomach, but the security blanket of knowing they are there in case of emergencies is somehow important to me.


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    Jul 3, 2009
    like others said, find the right mix of pg/vg with your juice, and youll be set. I got my first e-cig at some cig shop and paid way too much but in the long run after getting it I somehow didint touch another analog. I got my e-cig to save money with no intention of quiting but something wierd happened, I was discusted by the thought of smoking tobacco after that. Didnt plan on it, it just happend. bout a week after I got it I got my 510 in the mail and hell yeah, just the kick I was wanting. Got some pg the other day and now im 50/50 with my 24mg and pg, it. I have some 48mg non-flavored coming and got to order some flavoring. 21 years at 1-2 packs a day for 21 years and bam.... smoke free, not my plan but Im not complaining. Find your mix and equipment(my 510 rocks) and you will be satified. my 2 cents.


    Vaping Master
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    Mar 27, 2009
    Argyle Wi USA
    I freaked out today that my son had taken my emergency pack of cigs I had stashed in the freezer in case all of my equipment failed the same day. I resisted buying another pack, but I think I'd be happier just knowing they're in there. I don't want to smoke them, the thought of the taste now makes me a little sick to my stomach, but the security blanket of knowing they are there in case of emergencies is somehow important to me.
    Moonflame, I think the "Panic" triggers have some huge merit, do what you have to do. My triggers are batteries, juice, and attys, so when those get depleted (you know, under a dozen!) I must shop! The main thing to avoid is disrupting your comfort level. I've of late been cutting my 24mg down to 18mg, so far so good, but I know if there's trouble I can just not use the extra VG I put in my mix bottle. I'm over 4 months now so am ready to try cutting nic back, just a bit.


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    Apr 7, 2009
    Greemeyes-- Are you drawing directly into your lungs or drawing a mouthful and then inhaling? When I first started vaping I would cough like crazy if I tried to draw into my lungs, but get a nice smooth hit with no coughing if I draw into my mouth and inhale from there. It does take practice, but it is SO worth it.

    That is the way I have to do it. I tried the direct inhale thing and thought I would never get the scorched feeling out of my throat and lungs. But I smoked the same way I vape now, draw into my mouth, then inhale. Actually, I had never given any thought to it being done a different way until I was reading on here about it.

    I freaked out today that my son had taken my emergency pack of cigs I had stashed in the freezer in case all of my equipment failed the same day. I resisted buying another pack, but I think I'd be happier just knowing they're in there. I don't want to smoke them, the thought of the taste now makes me a little sick to my stomach, but the security blanket of knowing they are there in case of emergencies is somehow important to me.

    I have one cigarette that sits untouched in my ashtray. As long as it's there I'm fine. I have no idea why it's like this but it works so I'm not messing with it.

    Greeneyes, it takes awhile to figure out what is going to work for you. I started out with a 901 and I still love it and use it on a daily basis. When I bought my 510 it was like I was a noob again.

    I started with the 36mg because I was a 2+ pack a day smoker of Marlboro reds and figured I'd need it. Nope, thought I was going to pass out after just a few hits on it. I cut it to 24mg and it still gave me a monster headache. Now I stay right around 16mg once I'm done cutting and mixing and keep a 22mg mix for the times I get tempted to smoke that lone cig sitting in my ashtray.

    What I'm getting at is, it's different for everyone and you will find what works for you so don't give up. And don't push yourself to hard on quitting the analogs. You will do it when the time is right for you.


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
    Mar 27, 2009
    Argyle Wi USA
    Jules, that's funny, that poor cig must be a little dry by now.
    I have some cigs in my purse, I had to throw some away to get my extra battery and bottle of juice in the case! I use them just for show and tell, they're so dry I can't hardly get them out in one piece any more. Can you imagine throwing out cigs for battery room? Unbelievable!:rolleyes:


    Assclown Exterminator
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    Mar 28, 2009
    IL USA
    Yeah, it is funny how we have changed and made adaptations in just about everything we do to fit our vaping habit now,

    It's funny you say this. I just realized that my garden tractor has a 12v outlet on it. I can now vape while plugged in on my tractor.:thumbs:
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