New member from Chicago

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Mar 13, 2014
Hi guys, new member here from Chicago. I actually quit analogs a few years ago and just picked up vaping as a hobby about a month ago. I'm loving it so far but my credit card is definitely not... I recently purchased an MVP 2 and have been very happy with it so far. I am looking for my next mod and am considering zmax, svd, vamo, etc. Could anyone give a recommendation for which moderately priced choice might give me something a little different in terms of features to complement my MVP? I am looking to start rebuilding but not ready for sub ohms or anything. Thanks!


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Mar 2, 2013
Hardwick, Ma
Welcome and if you like the MVP2....stay with Innokin. I am the exact opposite...Have the SVD and in the hunt for the MVP. Consider anything except the Vamo....been through 3 of them. Decent device, but breaks down pretty quick and the SVD has more features and is the same size. I am not completely anti-vamo, but I am definitely pro-SVD. Been using it for 3-4 months and it looks like it just came out of the box. I am not gentle with equipment. Falls from the roof, getting out of the van to the concrete, etc. SVD all the way....except when I get the MVP2.


Ultra Member
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Aug 22, 2013
Salem, MA, USA
Hi and Welcome to ECF. I have most of the devices you listed - and compared to the MVP2, unless you want more watts (I never used; much less exceeded; 11 watts on VV/VW devices) you may find them to be a downgrade. MVP2 does not use PWM, but a different technology - see here for charts and detailed info:

Really, to upgrade from an MVP2 you need to go Provari, DNA/ZNA, Mechanical, Reo - you really kinda have to move into a whole new ball field to get any better/different performance. You will probably find a larger difference by upgrading your tank/atty/clearo/RBA and continuing on the same battery.

just my opinion FWIW. :)

Good luck on the adventure and happy vaping!
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