New member from Sweden

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Full Member
Jul 25, 2012
Hey guys!

I've been vaping for about 2 weeks now and I gotta say I love it. I was deeply impressed the first day I tried it, maybe because I had low expectations but still, I find this product amazing.

I'm doing my best to spread this product and knowledge about it to friends and family because I'm surrounded by smokers.

Anyway, this forum looks really cool and I'll do what I can to contribute.



Dancing in the Chaos
Supporting Member
ECF Veteran
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Mar 20, 2011
San Antonio, TX
Welcome to ECF! It really is amazing! I was a 2 PAD smoker for 37 years. But, as soon as I got my kit and figured out how to use it, that was it!

I have gotten frustrated a few times with the fact that vaping is more work than smoking. But, that's the only thing I miss about smoking. Just light and smoke, no fiddling. I haven't missed the actual smoking at all!

And, I've enjoyed vaping much more than I ever did smoking. So much variety! So many flavors, so many pretty gadgets!

Congratulations on your 2 weeks!

And, did you notice that there's another thread right now in the New Members area called 'New Swede saying..."? Interesting coincidence!


Full Member
Feb 9, 2012
Congrats on vaping :)

I started out with the smaller Blu e-cigs and I knew I liked them, but the batteries died quickly.
After upgrading to an 1100mAh eGo I was hooked and able to vape all day (and into the next day) with one battery.

The 1100mAh eGo battery is a bit long, but they make shorter ones that are 650mAh eGo batteries that can last all day depending on how much you vape.
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