New member, New Vaper, hello everyone

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Aug 12, 2010
Grand Rapids
First off I must say that this site is amazing. I have been absorbing the plethora of information on here like a sponge. I have been a smoker for about 9 years (started when I was 17, one of the stupidest decisions of my life). I have knocked it up to about a pack a day for the last 2 years or so.

After numerous attempts to quit nicotine all together I was getting increasingly frustrated. Then I discovered this whole "E-cig" thing.

I've had my E-Cigs (Blu starter pack) for a week now and coincidentally that is the last time I touched one of those "Analog" things. I cannot believe 1.) How much money I have saved already and 2.) How much better I feel! No more nagging cough, wheezing, I can breath better and overall my entire quality of life has increased, and this all only after one week.

People still look at me kind of weird, mostly because they are unfamiliar with this whole phenomena. For a minute I thought I was a bit of a trend setter, until I stumbled upon here and realized that I am indeed still a newb to all this stuff. I'm all in when it comes to E-Cigs and I look forward to discussing the wide array information that's out there. Thanks!
Welcome and congrats. I have been vaping since July 15th and have not had an analog since my first battery was charged. You can find all sorts of info here, but beware of one thing. In less than a month I have managed to purchase all types of batteries, atomizers, cartomizers, blanks, liquids, and am now starting DIY. I am, however, a bit on the compulsive side.
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