New Smoke Tobacco's at VAporRenu!

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Nov 18, 2010
hollywood, Fl.
Hello all,
I've been here a couple times talking about the juices from VaporRenu.
I just can't get over the awesome juices at the lowest prices anywhere online...and by a lot!

I mean $8.50 for 30ML bottles of juice? Frickin dude is on something for sure! heheh.
And i'd like to thank him , and would like to tell him to keep drinkin or smokin whatever he does...i love that ....'s site!

Back to my juice review:!
That whacky scientist is at it again, mixing up more tobacco juices then i can shake an atomizer at!
Vaporrenu has some 100, well i stopped at 100 there was more then that, tobacco juices and i've tried some new ones and would like to share my thought on em!

1. This is only one i got that wasn't tobacco, but it's frickin awesome!
The black coffe w/menthol...I mean it's like the dude hired Juan valdez, gave him a sack of peruvian marching powder, and some wooden clogs, and told that mex to squash them beans down till they fit into his 30ML bottles of his e-liquid!
I mean this stuff is dead on! even better....i almost drank the drops when they slid down the side of my drip tip....thankfully, i only licked a few....then proceeded to vape dat monkey juice all nite long!

2. My new (or one of) tobacco juices is his Mid-west tobacco.
That stuff is smooth and tasty, like a rattle snake in the dessert after not eating all day...yum yum!
I kick it up a notch by getting it w/menthol, but it's now my go to tobacco during the day!
Nothing funny, nothing off , dead on tobacco flavor, that if you had to have your kid smoke...this is what you'd want him to smoke! er...vape i mean!....

3. Havana/Bourbon-Tobacco!
This stuff kicks you in ur ....! billows of vapor emenates from your heat stick, as the back of your throat ask for forgiveness, bad throat take that, that...ahhh.... may i have another.
Of course you may ....! That's why i keeping clicking the on button biatch!
This one kicks like a mule...if you want your throat to tingle....and get cumulus sized clouds of vapor, i'd say!

I get all my juices here...and for good reason....
Quality...Price...and CS...
Now put that in your atty n smoke it! Yeeehaaawww! I will!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 4, 2010
I have never had a juice from Vapor Renu that had any TH. I'm gun shy about ordering from them again as their juice was the worst tasting and performing juice I've vaped in my entire vaping life.

Any one else had these tobaccos and care to comment? I'd love to give them another chance, but I need to hear it from more than one person that these are any good.


Vaping Master
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Oct 21, 2010
Columbia, Missouri
I second Dr. V's concerns. All told, I've tried seven different Vapor Renu juices in nic concentrations varying from 24mg to 36mg. Not one of them had so much as a hint of throat hit. Flavors were mostly OK, but throat hit? Zero. Literally nonexistent. And this remained true over numerous orders, despite my choosing Ultra Throat Hit on the last three.

At least one longish thread on ECF has debated this mysterious lack of throat hit in Vapor Renu juices, without conclusion. (One poster even suggested that the impurities in nicotine---read: poisons---might be the actual cause of throat hit, and that Vapor Renu's nicotine could be so pure that TH is minimized. My reaction to that theory? As the Brits say, "Bollocks!")

As much as some folks praise Vapor Renu's juices, and inexpensive though they are, I'm not willing to chase better results.


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Nov 18, 2010
hollywood, Fl.
I have never had a juice from Vapor Renu that had any TH. I'm gun shy about ordering from them again as their juice was the worst tasting and performing juice I've vaped in my entire vaping life.

Any one else had these tobaccos and care to comment? I'd love to give them another chance, but I need to hear it from more than one person that these are any good.

Well, vape, i know i've had it out w/u before on Vaporrenu, remember?
The vaporrenu clan flooded you and your views, with everyone being on VR's side, and not you'rs.

But you ask a simple question, and yes! The havan/bourbon tobacco you a real frickin kick in your tonsils if your sincere about giving them another try, i say try it.
it's only 8.50 for 30ml so u could do it w/out even blinking!

And i'd say try the East coast 2bacco, westcoast2bacco, Honeywood, those are all my favorite juices.
Look, i've tried FSUSA wyatt earp, and hypnotic mist...the Earp suckedballz..... the hypnotic myst was awesome tho!
But i've ordered from Rockymountain vapor, litecigusa, a few other i can't remember, and they were all terrible!!
I mean it...only Hypnotic myst is the only juice i'd ever re-order
I had Alienvisions all talked about, and blogged about Bobba's bounty, that stuff lasted my 3 months it sucked so bad.
Tasted like margarine in a martini!
So when you say vaporrenu has a funny aftertaste, i suggest you try the juices i mentioned, then you'll change your mind....
Try those tobacco's i mentioned .
so long vapenshtein
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Nov 18, 2010
hollywood, Fl.
I have tried 16 different flavors. They have a weird aftertaste when you get the renu blend, and no TH.I Just didn't like the base juice I guess tastes soapy to me. The flavoring was ehhhh on all of them.

C'mon dog...everybody loves must've been on mesc, or .......
Get the flavors i mentioned to VApensteinbrenner....k
then check back in k!


Ultra Member
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Oct 4, 2010
  • Deleted by AngusATAT
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Nov 18, 2010
hollywood, Fl.
huh? No, I'm a partner in want2vape. This is no secret. I've also reviewed 158 juices on Vapenstein. I think I'll keep my own counsel on who makes good juice instead of sitting here and listening to some Vapor Renu fanboy who could really use a dictionary attempt to insult me. Good day to you, sir.

Sorry man, got it wrong...will get the shill out of the's been along time..and i thought you worked for a bad bro.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2010
I use to like VR but my taste evolved. I diy now and find the VR hard to vape. If your looking for cheap juice with alcohol added go for it. The alcohol plus lr burned my yeah I won't be utilizing anything with alcohol added. If the nicotine is good alcohol would not be needed. I have learned allot since going (mostly) diy.

I was kind of a fan girl with VR I may add. However, like anything else in life...I changed my mind! :)

BTW OP: I am not trying to hijack your thread...and thanks for the review...other folks may love it.
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Super Member
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Nov 18, 2010
hollywood, Fl.
How do you know it's bad nicotine?
I'll try and get some info on that...i do vape alot of it...perhaps it's not as strong as i'd like....will get back w/u.
thanks for the how do you do your diy stuff?
Use calculator . chart....never did diy yet....but i've tried other sites with supposedly awesome reviews, and none of it was any better i swear.
thanks for input sdh!
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