New to the ECig

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Full Member
Jan 4, 2011
dear sandyj22,
wow, i've re-read your note numerous times now, and i hope/pray that your
body/lungs/whatever gain a reprieve using eCigs. one of the reasons that i'm
trying to move to vaping is to NOT support the taxation we incur, and TO SUPPORT
a more reasonable (and "profitable") method of eliminating our (my!) tobacco addiction.
i guess we all obtain some addictions through our lives and experiences and whatever.
some bad, some good. some....maybe optional.... what'cha think?

Hello again, djholm1968. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I have tried to reply but it would not post for some reason. Maybe this one will go.

Concerning any improvements to my health as a result of switching to the PV ... absolutely !!! At about the same time, my Pulmonologist had made some adjustments to my medications and added some new. So, I thought maybe that was the real reason for the improvements. But when I ran out of my juices, it was readily proven to me that was not the case. The elimination of the added tar and toxins from smoking was the reason ... thanks to the e-cig !!!

Addictions? Oh yes, I think so. We get addicted to all sorts of things in our lifetimes. I am also addicted to Lays Stax potatoe chips .... hehehe. Oh, and sugar !!! But atleast I am able to do without these when I have to. Well, kind of ... hehehe
You have a great weekend .... in clouds of happiness !!!

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