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hey my names kyle.
been vaping for about 4 months now i had tried to quit smoking via vaping about 1.5-2yrs ago with a vision spinner and it did not help me at all. so recently talking to a buddy and doing countless hours of research i decided id try again but this time using it as a hobby and fun way to quit, with the versatility to build any coil id like(within safety limits of my batts) and all the different mods out there. so with that said im 4 months stinky free!!
The mods i have now kinda fell into my lap and i was lucky they did. I had originally bought a cheap mech box mod that i really enjoyed and it caused me to be aware of ohms law and battery safety,. anyway at a local vape shop another guy saw this boxmod and fell in love with and made me the offer of a straight up trade for his dreadnaut with 2 26650 batts and a mauraxus mod which i used my previous 2 vtc4s. then fast forward a month of two i wanted a vw/vv mod and bought a dna 30 clone.

sorry for be long winded i also have a question about my dreadnaut. when i got home with i noticed the positive insulator was completely melted and i couldnt find a replacement. i then bought the 510 adapter for it and a plume veil atty. now it doesnt seem to hit hard at all. when i fire it coil exposed it will produce a little vapor but if i put it on my dna itll fire great. so im assuming theres something with the dread. also if i drip juice on the wicks and immedatly puff on it i get an awfull scratchy throat exhale. if i let it sit for a few minutes itll be great minus the poor vapor production.

thanks in advance for the help
that doesnt solve anything. ha i have a lemo and it does great. my problem is im seeing people saying the dreadnaut performs fantastic and mine is not. with the plume veil and a .4 ohm twisted wire build i should be producing waaaaaay better clouds and flavor not to mention the problem that i cant drip and the vape because of a terrible throat burn i get and when that happens its like the vapor production that of a clearomizer if not lesss
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