New to the world of vape

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New Member
Apr 18, 2017
Ok so I have smoked from a young age about 29 years now so I thought I would try this whole vape thing last year but made me ill one of those cheap garage sets yesterday got a coolfire 4 tc100 and a decent chamber for the Top set on a low voltage and it shokes me like mad a tickle at the back of my throats I am takeing long slow vapes nice and easy by still the same
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Senior Member
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Apr 13, 2017
Ok so I have smoked from a young age about 29 years now so I thought I would try this whole vape thing last year but made me ill one of those cheap garage sets yesterday got a coolfire 4 tc100 and a decent chamber for the Top set on a low voltage and it shokes me like mad a tickle at the back of my throats I am takeing long slow vapes nice and easy by still the same
Hi and welcome! I smoked for 14 years and recently switched over to vaping. 8 day's not with not a single cigarette. But you get used to the tickle! First few day's I coughed a lot and kept choking. What wattage are you vaping at and also what kind of juice are you using? As is nicotine level and such?? I found that when I vape a higher wattage and a higher nic level the tickle is way harsher!! You'll have to play around a bit with it before you find your sweet spot. Keep it up though, don't give up!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2017
Well I knocked it down to 24.5w and useing 88vape tobacco juice at 11g
Hmm you might want to try even lower than that. Usually I don't get up above 20w until after I've been vaping for a couple hours. For example when I wake up in the morning I usually turn it down to around 15.5w because the throat hit is too harsh but as you vape you'll feel less and less throat hit so I work my way up from there.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 12, 2014
Ok so I have smoked from a young age about 29 years now so I thought I would try this whole vape thing last year but made me ill one of those cheap garage sets yesterday got a coolfire 4 tc100 and a decent chamber for the Top set on a low voltage and it shokes me like mad a tickle at the back of my throats I am takeing long slow vapes nice and easy by still the same
I started 2 1/2 years ago. For the first few days i was on a cheapy low powered vape pen which was fine for proving that vaping might work for me. After a few days I got a Nautilus mini with a high resistance coil designed to vape at about 10 watts. I still believe that is the best way for beginners to start. You can't tolerate a lot of vapor in the beginning and if you're lucy you'll be like a brother of mine who is still vaping at 10 watts. For lower watts you might need 12-18 mg nic instead of 6 mg. The high watts trend is not ideal for beginners. Be a beginner for as long as possible.
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ECF Guru
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Oct 2, 2012
England and Wales
Well I knocked it down to 24.5w and useing 88vape tobacco juice at 11g

Yup. Go steady on that stuff. 88vape is OK, but not exactly designed for the latest sub-ohm devices.
It's the 99p stuff from Homebargains and B&M store?
I buy it sometimes, for regular 14w vapes. Not bad. I like their attitude. :)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Dec 24, 2014
Well I knocked it down to 24.5w and useing 88vape tobacco juice at 11g
Welcome and glad you joined.
Glad to see you have started to straighten things out. Hang in there, you will start to find your way and personal settings that you like.
I find that the wattage that works for me is usually a few watts over the lowest watt setting (where i can barely see the vape cloud on the exhale). Lower watt settings lessen the chance of burning the liquid and generates the best flavor.
After I get my Atty (coil and chamber heat up) going for awhile, I will often times turn the mod down or up a watt or so to see if I can taste more flavor. I'm often surprised at how much better tasting the vape can be by adjusting the vape temp/wattage.
Could check out:
Guide For New Vapers | Spinfuel VAPE
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