New Vaper / Vaping as a Hobby

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Hey ECF,

I am a new vaper I've been using a family members old vape for about a month or so and well I'm seriously hooked

The vape bottom up
K100 mod
3.7v 18650 2100mah unknown battery
Igo-w RDA
26G 5-6 wrap coil unknown ohms

I originally started vaping about a year ago with an ego c twist and an evod tank but I didn't enjoy the draw and the taste was okay for what I knew at the time but the Atty burned out and I never sought to replace it, But I basically started dripping and wow the taste and clouds are amazing and yet I've been to a few local shops to see the possibilities.

So here is the purpose of my thread vaping as a hobby?
Who out there is that into it?
If so share some mods/coils/workstations please. I want to get more ideas

Because my idea is I want to start small and just try building my own coil and seeing how it vapes. But where do I start exactly? What gauge wire? Should I get a new RDA to build on? What wick materials and why? Will my current mod/battery be safe to experiment on? Or should I get a VV (Variable Volatage) device for experimentations? Or just get some different range batteries? Or better yet an ohm Meter?

I'm willing to take any and all advice
And I do know of the power of Google this forum is for this topic so I want to hear everyone else's ideas and position
So please ECF help me learn

Also I've added a few of the big names for vaping on Instagram so follow me if you want at T3D_ART

Thank you all and have fun vaping


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Sep 4, 2014
Silver Spring, MD, USA
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Hi, Maws34, and welcome to ECF!

The first area you want to explore when building your own coils and such is safety. The batteries we use for vaping are very powerful, and, under the wrong conditions, are capable of doing some rather unhealthy things.

Here is some information that would be good to understand before you get into any trouble with your new hobby:

For info on batteries Baditude has several excellent blog posts on the subject. His blogs on battery safety are a must read before you venture into the world of sub-ohm vaping.

Reliable sources for batteries:
Batteries-Chargers-Flashlights-Only The Best
Authentic AW Batteries - RTD Vapor - Flashlights, Batteries, Carry Gear, Intelligent LED Lighting, and More!

Do not buy batteries from eBay or Amazon. Some of their third party sellers sell fakes.

Once you've read through that information, gotten yourself some known good batteries and an ohm meter, you are at least familiar with how to do things safely. And who knows, you might be able to help others to keep safe while enjoying the best vape they can possibly get.

Wish you all the best - it's a great pastime! Happy Vaping


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Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf Maws34. Glad to have you here. You've already gotten some great answers. That is what is so darn great about ecf. I was new once and needed lots of guidance and the people here are awesome. Good luck to you and I look forward to reading more about your vaping. Sounds like you will do just fine.


Ultra Member
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Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
Hey Maws!

I'm about to sleep (so if you see anyone posting as me, please detain them) but here's link with a bunch of great resources for getting started with coils:

BUT: You are going to need a multimeter or some way of measuring your ohms before we can do much. Everyone here wants to help you, and will help you, but from what you wrote it looks like you're just chucking some unknown coils and some unknown batteries into a tube and seeing what happens. I'm also guessing you have a lovely face and would like to keep it.


Senior Member
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Aug 5, 2014
Hey Maws!

I'm about to sleep (so if you see anyone posting as me, please detain them) but here's link with a bunch of great resources for getting started with coils:

BUT: You are going to need a multimeter or some way of measuring your ohms before we can do much. Everyone here wants to help you, and will help you, but from what you wrote it looks like you're just chucking some unknown coils and some unknown batteries into a tube and seeing what happens. I'm also guessing you have a lovely face and would like to keep it.

This +10000000 Building coils, owning a mech, chucking huge clouds out so you can't see your hand in front of your face is huge fun and as a hobby is massively addictive but without the knowledge to do it safely is insane

For now get a vv/vw device a nice tank and then when you've done all the reading understand ohms law know what equipment you have and need this forum will help you build some insane coils and have you chucking clouds like a storm but we also want you to have a face and fingers left when your done
Thank you all for the amazing input.

First off I'm very excited for the responses and everyone's willingness to help.

Second I've read/watched the links and I feel I have a better grasp on battery safety, but the time is approaching that my family member is going to ask for this vape back. So I'm trying to plan my first vape.

I've scouted a few different shops near me and I seriously believe bang for buck and with safety in mind that a box mod like an IPV3 is right up my alley.

Below is what im planning to purchase
IPV3 150w box mod
Aspire Atlantis sub ohm tank
2 Sony ivtc4
Nitecore D4 charger
And some Eliquid

So I'm open to input and suggestions

I will hold off on building until I can get to know my vape and learn more about building


Ultra Member
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Jan 26, 2014
It's windy, USA
Hey Maws34! Glad to hear you're doing your research on this, it'll pay off. The kit you're looking at is top of the line... I'd add two things:

1. If you're going for IVTC4's, make sure you get them somewhere very reputable as they are highly counterfeited -- if you're looking at pushing that level of performance you'll want to be sure.

2. I can't recommend the Eigate Atlantis right now due to the fiberglass/ceramic paper in the coils, but you can read through here and decide where it falls on your safety threshhold:

*gives the horns*
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ECF Veteran
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Dec 15, 2014
Arizona, Ecuador
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Hi, Maws34, and welcome to ECF!

The first area you want to explore when building your own coils and such is safety. The batteries we use for vaping are very powerful, and, under the wrong conditions, are capable of doing some rather unhealthy things.

Here is some information that would be good to understand before you get into any trouble with your new hobby:

For info on batteries Baditude has several excellent blog posts on the subject. His blogs on battery safety are a must read before you venture into the world of sub-ohm vaping.

Reliable sources for batteries:
Batteries-Chargers-Flashlights-Only The Best
Authentic AW Batteries - RTD Vapor - Flashlights, Batteries, Carry Gear, Intelligent LED Lighting, and More!

Do not buy batteries from eBay or Amazon. Some of their third party sellers sell fakes.

Once you've read through that information, gotten yourself some known good batteries and an ohm meter, you are at least familiar with how to do things safely. And who knows, you might be able to help others to keep safe while enjoying the best vape they can possibly get.

Wish you all the best - it's a great pastime! Happy Vaping

drunkenbatman - I've actually read v through that document already and just looking at their diagram I notice that they have put allot of thought and measures into the safety of the device. Plus they include a replacement coil as well as supply a replacement coil pack through their store. If I just don't the coil get too many miles on it I figure that would be a bit safer. I just want to avoid sticky fingers till I get an rda.

And regarding batteries I watched a highly controversial video that deliberately called out that all Sony 18650 vtc5's don't even exist since they are no where to be found on Sony's website. So it strongly made me consider efest batteries
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Super Member
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Nov 13, 2013
Pensacola, Florida
Thank you all for the amazing input.

First off I'm very excited for the responses and everyone's willingness to help.

Second I've read/watched the links and I feel I have a better grasp on battery safety, but the time is approaching that my family member is going to ask for this vape back. So I'm trying to plan my first vape.

I've scouted a few different shops near me and I seriously believe bang for buck and with safety in mind that a box mod like an IPV3 is right up my alley.

Below is what im planning to purchase
IPV3 150w box mod
Aspire Atlantis sub ohm tank
2 Sony ivtc4
Nitecore D4 charger
And some Eliquid

So I'm open to input and suggestions

I will hold off on building until I can get to know my vape and learn more about building

You cant go wrong with the atlantis. I use mine pretty much 24/7 and love it. I use the CF SUB battery with mine, but you are doing yourself a favor by getting the 150 watt box mod. You can do a lot more with it. You could consider the Kanger Sub tank down the road. You will have the ability to work on coils and wicking and still be able to use the stock coils and benefit from the large tank capacity.
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