New Vaper wanting to say thanks

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New Member
Jul 14, 2014
Hi folks, new to vaping, its only been 2 1/2 months, but thats 2 1/2 months free from a pack a day habit. Wanted to post and stop lurking to say thanks for all the great info I have found. Been a pack a day guy for 22 years and after trying the damn gum and patches ( which failed miseribly) I gave vaping a shot. In the time I have been vaping I have only snuck 3 cigs and the last was a two drag gag fest. Got my lady on the vape wagon and life is much better. Thanks to all the info here, started on MVP2s that came with the I-clear 16b's. When we weren't happy with the airflow, I snuck out to a local shop and snagged us some Nautilus tanks. Damn near perfection with the new BVCs. Last week i grabbed my first mech mod after alot of research (cheap Chi-You clone and a nice Tobh because the owner suggested it as a good beginner for building). Now I have my MVP for out and about and everyday vaping and my Tobh for the evenings when I used to like to curl up with my Kindle and smoke a pipe. Feeling much healthier than before.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf SingularWalker. Glad you're here. Congrats on the two and a half months smoke-free. Isn't it wonderful. You are still discovering all the many benefits. Good luck to you and happy vaping. :)
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