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Full Member
Nov 26, 2013
Hi all,
I am fairly new to vaping. I just started getting serious about it (for a third time). I started about five years ago with a cigarette named Fifty-one. That really didn't do much for me. I hear it is a common problem for smokers to switch, we just don't feel like its doing anything for us. So after a last years I tried again, this time I bought a V2 starter kit and juice. I enjoyed the different flavors and the experience, but still didn't feel like it was "doing it" for me. About a month ago a co-worker came in with a clearomizer and explained the flavor difference and let me take a few hits. I must say, my chances of sticking with it this time are better simply because I actually feel like its "doing it" for me. I purchased my ego-c upgrade battery with a manger T3S clearomizer and have drastically reduced my cigarette consumption. I have had fewer than half a pack of cigarettes in the week that I have had this set up and hope to drop to zero soon. So for wasting anyone's time, but I am required to post 5 times in the noob forums so I thought I would share my story.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Sep 1, 2013
Mount Vernon, Wa
Welcome, good luck, sounds like you are on the right path. I started with V2's, then ego style with a protank, then a Provari, started doing re-buildable atomizers, rba's, got into DIY juice, now have been dabbling in mechanical mods and a few sub ohm builds. Haven't had a smoke in 7 months, and loving my vape.

Vape long and Prosper.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2013
Flat Rock, MI, USA
Welcome to ECF and keep on vaping!!! I'm using a Kanger Protank II and Mini Protank II on an MVP V2 atm. There is a lot of great stuff out there now.

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2013
Olean, NY
Good luck and enjoy! It can definitely be more work than smoking cigs but it's definitely worth it and it becomes a hobby. You'll feel better too! At first I didn't understand how people get so big into this stuff, now I do. I REALLY want an MVP2 and am hoping to get one soon. Hopefully that'll hold me over for a while.

Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2013
United States
My first attempt at vaping was with the V2 starter kit and it did get me off cigarettes. I did move on to eGo 1000mAh, then to eGo CE pass-throughs, Vision Spinners 1300mAh, iTaste v3, and finally the MVP 2. I am very happy with all of them cuz' they've kept me off cigarettes and I still use them all. I admire that you didn't give up and appreciate that you shared your story with us. Good luck this time around and Happy Vaping! :vapor:
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